Originally Posted by Scarvin View Post
I went on Encyclopedia Dramatica and searched kittens.

Don't do it.

Oh fu*king hell..I had to go now that you told me that..

Smack Bitches.

Originally Posted by Shaogorath View Post
Oh fu*king hell..I had to go now that you told me that..

What happened?
the god
One day i did come home from my friend and i was kinda relaxed. I opened my computer and stuff. I washed my hands and i did take some coca-cola from the fridge and all suddenly the TV did just open. i didnt touch or anything and no one were at home. I runned like hell to my room and almostly crapped my pants. i did stay at my room the whole night.
Originally Posted by culapou View Post
What happened?

alot of porn. Shock page.
I closed it quickly, and didn't see the whole thing though.
Scariest time is when I was downloading a torrent, and porn popped up. I didn't care until I closed it, and the computer froze with porn all over the screen. Then I heard my grandparents and my mom coming down the stairs. longest ten seconds of my life. it closed in time however. THANK YOU GOD!
Beta: YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT IT1!!! ITS LEGIT FULL 128! Morbon: joint textures and all? Beta: lol no fuck joint textures
I was riding my bike and went off a jump,then my handlebars turned sideways and i landed face first on the dirt and slid on my elbows about 10 feet.I still have scars from it.
But now that I think about it,the whole incident was pretty funny.
Just a warning to minors to not read this if they are faint hearted.

Well, me and my friend were walking back from a pretty normal college day, we took a shortcut back through an alleyway that leads onto the main road.
About 5-8 people around about the age of 23-30 were smoking.
Typical chavs, I thought, (prejudice :V), and we walked past, one of them blocked our path, 2 came behind us and we were boxed in.

My friend (being an idiot >.>) told them to fuck off, they dragged him out of the scene and punched him till they broke his nose, I kicked a guy in the ribs, and kneed him in the face and ran (i forgot about my friend ).
So then my friend comes to my house about 8 hours after the incident, complete suprise, he had blood all over his face, his hand is broken and his face has burn marks.

I asked him what happend, he said the following (not exactly correct since I'm doing this from memory):

I swear they broke my nose, fuck it hurt, and then they grabbed my hand, got a ciggarette and burnt me for about a minute.
Then they fucking burnt my face, they stomped on my hand until it went numb and then threw me onto the pathway ahead.

It was about at this time that I called for the police and an ambulance.

Still emotionally scarred.
| tom |
Originally Posted by Castra View Post
Just a warning to minors to not read this if they are faint hearted.

Well, me and my friend were walking back from a pretty normal college day, we took a shortcut back through an alleyway that leads onto the main road.
About 5-8 people around about the age of 23-30 were smoking.
Typical chavs, I thought, (prejudice :V), and we walked past, one of them blocked our path, 2 came behind us and we were boxed in.

My friend (being an idiot >.>) told them to fuck off, they dragged him out of the scene and punched him till they broke his nose, I kicked a guy in the ribs, and kneed him in the face and ran (i forgot about my friend ).
So then my friend comes to my house about 8 hours after the incident, complete suprise, he had blood all over his face, his hand is broken and his face has burn marks.

I asked him what happend, he said the following (not exactly correct since I'm doing this from memory):

I swear they broke my nose, fuck it hurt, and then they grabbed my hand, got a ciggarette and burnt me for about a minute.
Then they fucking burnt my face, they stomped on my hand until it went numb and then threw me onto the pathway ahead.

It was about at this time that I called for the police and an ambulance.

Still emotionally scarred.

WOW MAN :O that sucks :S its good that finland is not peoples like that.
When I saw my grandmother die. My whole world stopped.
She meant more to me than anybody else.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Originally Posted by Scarvin View Post
I went on Encyclopedia Dramatica and searched kittens.

Don't do it.

(kill me please)