I've had braces for about a year and half, and you get used to them pretty quickly. They hurt for a while, but after that you kind of forget about it.
Originally Posted by hipotibor View Post
i never had braces. do they feel heavy when u wear them ?

Nope. Like I said, you get used to them.
Originally Posted by Corey View Post
It took a couple of days for mine to fully adjust. When I first got mine in they hurt like fuck, I had to take some pain killers it was that bad. You'll get used to them quickly after that, you forget they're even there.

Just make sure you get the wires at the end trimmed properly, or they cut big trenches into your cheeks. Everyday when I feel the insides of my cheeks, I feel the scars left by my braces. How can I ever forget that I had braces now?
I would say that braces are terrible but I had the herbst and herbst expander attachment on my braces so I have no idea.
When fighting with someone you must first walk a mile in their shoes. Then you can be a mile away and have their shoes.