Sorry guys but since you guys haven't even talked to koz, I'll just let you all know now that he's fine and that not only do I know what I'm talking about, I've been through it. I can't tell people what to do when it worked for me? Fuck outta here.

Koz'll be fine, and he's didn't even need our help he just needed our SUPPORT. But hey, I never expect some kids on the internet to understand what being helpful is like.
I think I might be retired.
Originally Posted by Grohenbird View Post
Ive heard withdrawal is a bitch, but just slowly take less and less until your body doesn't crave it anymore. A physical addiction is the hard part, you can fight a mental addiction.

Sure seems like you know your stuff bud. Thanks for giving Koz the support he needs. You are truly noble.
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
Thanks for everyone that posted here, I'm on my road to recovering. Withdrawal is a fucking bitch, so I am cutting my doses gradually in order to ease off of my addiction problems. If I just tried to quit cold turkey, it would never work. I really appreciate all of the posts, I am just in an odd situation and needed some support and to see that there were some people that cared.
Originally Posted by Rouxster View Post
Sure seems like you know your stuff bud. Thanks for giving Koz the support he needs. You are truly noble.

Well it does, if I don't ease off of them I would go through serious withdrawals and thats really bad,
Last edited by Kozmonaut; Oct 28, 2016 at 05:57 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
you're on thin ice, pal
Originally Posted by Rouxster View Post
Don't fight it on your own dude. You need help.

Have you even taken a tylenol? I am getting the feeling that you have never fucked with drugs or alcohol in your life, yet you act like you're a fully recovered heroin addict that knows everything about addiction and alcoholism. Stop.
you're on thin ice, pal
All I've said is to seek professional help. If you want to get defensive about your situation, go ahead.
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
To me it seems like you're trying to save his life when he's already on the road to being good. My dude why are you even arguing?
Originally Posted by Rouxster View Post
Ur advice was shit. "Just slowly take less and less until your body doesn't crave it anymore".
Imagine telling that to an alcoholic

Well, you seem like you have very mixed feelings roux. If you are an addict, you know that withdrawal is fucking horrible and that you have to ease off of your medication. If you are an alcoholic (which I am) you would know that if you are a true alcoholic, and you just quit drinking, you'd die.
you're on thin ice, pal
Originally Posted by Kozmonaut View Post
Well, you seem like you have very mixed feelings roux. If you are an addict, you know that withdrawal is fucking horrible and that you have to ease off of your medication. If you are an alcoholic (which I am) you would know that if you are a true alcoholic, and you just quit drinking, you'd die.

This is true, but, it's also true that a lot of the time you need outside help to start fighting the addiction.
Like Ele said earlier, a support group would help tremendously.
Reckless is just FC but slightly better.~ Coine, 08/11/2016
thanks sloth
Originally Posted by Elmo View Post
The first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem, not only to your self but to the people who really care about you. Meaning instead of feeling lost and thinking the only place you can talk about your problem is here on toribash. Take your self to a doctor and full admit your problem. You will feel better.

also this
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle