Like ishi item?

And what happened to Fish he was so big last year, i saw him everywhere no hes inactive

and whats e-peen?
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.
Originally Posted by azzeffir23 View Post
How the others said, you have to do something for the community to be remembered. Sweex for example and Lagekilla (did i spelled it good?) are legends because they are the best replay makers ever in toribash so far. Solax is a legend because is a very old staff member and one of the best Admins here for long time so he obviously did good things for the community, phail also was a MSquad for very long time, he is also SMod so.

You have to do important things to be remembered in the future, that's why they are called LEGENDS.

Isn't "the best" just an opinon? I personally don't think they are they best (large and swexx) cause their style is very common and weird, personally I'd think of other people.
I don't exist
Originally Posted by sicmo View Post
Isn't "the best" just an opinon? I personally don't think they are they best (large and swexx) cause their style is very common and weird, personally I'd think of other people.

"Influential" would be the correct word. Their style is common due to people copying, same with anyone else who'd be a replay/SP legend.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Yeah, if you look at the legends thread, it says why each person is a legend.
Some are for Replay making, some are for staff things, others for video's and some for in-game stuff like tk

i like how my previous post was infracted for being useless

and why do i hardly see any legends anymore?
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
Considering most legends don't play the game anymore, that's why. You aren't going to play the game for a year and expect Legend. Most if not all legends have tons of Toribash years under their belt. As I see it, they probably wouldn't want to do the same thing up to present. The legends that do play are typically staff, though there are exceptions to that.
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