Opener was a bit weird because of the extended ankle, Though I liked the way you grabbed him you brought back in a little bit of realism second kick was bleh though and the other kick was ok and the punch looked strong and so did the second kick and... grab decaps man bleh
either keep them in a place where people cant see them well or do them when their focus is somewhere else good boom and.... was that a double skeet I saw :P
Good job adding something else to cath their attention at the end of the replay
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
Thanks a lot guys, I really appreciate your comments.

Comments would be very appreciated on this one too..
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Last edited by eazi; Dec 21, 2013 at 06:17 PM.
(╯°□°)╯︵ pɐǝɹɥʇ ʎɐldǝɹ
Incredible style on this one.
The opener was great and the chest boom and transitions were fantastic.
I feel like the knee on the first punch could have been dm'ed.
The skeet was incredible, both fast and accurate.
The final hit was alright, it was powerful but looked a bit sloppy.
The pose was nice.

Great job.
Really original opener. Boomkick was great but you contracted your hip too early or it might have looked stronger (Though you probably would have found it harder to boom). Spin was pretty cool and the punches were nice, though not really necessary. Skeet was really good but you messed up your flow there. Last boomkick was really explosive but the hit itself looked rather floppy and I don't like how you jerked it back. Transition to pose and pose was great.
I do some videos
Feel free to PM me for any video-related questions
Thanks guys,
Finally finished this. Would love some constructive CNC.

There's a skeet too
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Last edited by eazi; Dec 21, 2013 at 06:18 PM.
(╯°□°)╯︵ pɐǝɹɥʇ ʎɐldǝɹ
A short tricking replay so I don't bump my thread for no reason.
My very first attempt at tricking.
I'd love comments for both replays
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[eazi] - Heraldic Tinctures.rpl (310.7 KB, 16 views)
Last edited by eazi; Dec 21, 2013 at 06:19 PM.
(╯°□°)╯︵ pɐǝɹɥʇ ʎɐldǝɹ
I don't trick/know how to cnc tricking so im going to comment on Dancing with the dead

Okay so personally I absolutely loved the opener and pretty much the whole manip
The decap was pretty good but I don't enjoy back kick-ish things that doesnt have a big boom. the pec dms where pretty good what I don't enjoy on this replay is the last part looked twitchy to me

overall great replay , cant wait to see more from you
I'm worse at cncing tricking than internet so, I aswell will go with dancing with the dead.

Opener was pretty standard, and first push was a bit stiff.

I liked how you made uke spin though, that was a nice touch, but you were a bit slow to get to uke.

decap was eh, I didn't like how your leg was extended the whole time. The transition was cool.

wasn't a fan of the arm dms because of how messy and ugly it looked. The pec dms however were awesome, only wished you had gotten that chest.

overall pretty good.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Well since hey cant CnC tricking replays, I might as well
Opener was generic and I didnt like how your arm was stiff on the way down, too much extended abs once you sttled on the ground. On the landing you let your legs fully extend and then your feet were contracted when you did that twisty jumo thingy. pose was good
meh replay, but good for your first time
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource