Merry go round could've had a better opener and the decap seemed a bit snappy, otherwise it had a good flow to it.

Really liked the split punch on funny feelings but I felt the faff in between the glute kick and the decap was unnecessary but the movements feel a bit more spar-y and I like it

cool replays man
Made a new replay, this one is more of a flow practice replay, but there's a cork at the beginning too. BTW THAT WAS MY FIRST SUCCESSFUL CORK!!!!

Attached Files
#Koz_GoWithTheFlow.rpl (199.4 KB, 19 views)
you're on thin ice, pal
It's been a while since I've made a replay, just made this in my 2nd and 3rd hour, cnc would be cool :v
Attached Files
[MM] Tickle My Boomstick.rpl (190.4 KB, 25 views)
you're on thin ice, pal
I will go through the moves you made and tell you what i think about Tickle My Boomstick

1. The Opener:
Nothing innovative, but looks aesthetic and does its job so its perfectly fine.

2. Boomhit Chest:
There was a lot of power behind that blow. Again nothing new but looks really cool.

3. The Uppercut:
This was the part where i went like: "oooooooooooh nice!"
Why? because that was a move i didn't expect you to do. the DM was nice and the flying of the bodyparts reminded me of Dafes replays back in the days.

4. Boomhit Butt:
This part needs to be revised. you lose speed which disturbes the flow of the replay. also i think the hit has the potential to do even more dms.

5. The pose:
is nice. i would like it better if you do spins until the replay ends.

The whole replay is nice to watch. You go on really high speed and the uppercut is epic.
if you work on the last few frames, this could be a 10/10 replay for me.
evil Führer of Evil
Thanks a lot oaky Messages like that make me want to get better!

I've made my first manip replay, I'd like some CnC on this if anyone feels up to doing so, I want to get better at manipulations, I think this is a start
Also for Oaky, I edited Tickle My Boomstick, tell me if you like this version better?
Attached Files
#Koz_Manipulate Your Fate.rpl (248.4 KB, 20 views)
[MM] Tickle My Boomstick V2.rpl (197.9 KB, 25 views)
Last edited by Kozmonaut; Nov 2, 2016 at 03:24 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
you're on thin ice, pal
About Tickle My Boomstick V2:

You did exactly what i said. I love how the replay looks now.
The only thing i could critizise is that you correct your right leg too often to get into the pose at around frame 180.
Looks like a unintended butt-wiggle.
Thats criticism on a really high level, tho.
9,9 / 10

About Mate your Fate:
I will go through this step by step again

1. Opener
Yeah I like that one. Especially the part where you spin in front of Uke to show him your big red baboon butt. (At this point Uke knows he is fucked)

2. First Contact
I didnt even notice the little punch until i watched in slow-mo. I kinda got... no opinion about that.
The lift with your foot was really nice, although you push your self too much into ukes direction, which decreases the number of possiblities you got after the lift.

3. The Stop
To be honest, I dont like that particular part. Imo manipulations look cooler when you speed up Uke instead of slowing him down. (this is of cause a result of what i said in 2.)

You maintain a little awesomeness by sliding through his legs to change your momentum, but at normal speed, you cant even notice that.

4. Sudden Madman
ManipGod Larfen once said manipulations always go without grabbing. And hes right with that. manipulation kinda became a word for send uke flying without grabbing him.

This Tripple kick was so intense.
Like a quaddrupple rainbow.
At least. So powerful. Only Boomhits. I love that part.

5. The pose
Is nice. Nothing to complain about.

6. tutti frutti (this one got no title)
What i didnt mention in any of the points above is the great flow, because its applicable for all of them.
You dont lose speed, keep up balance and float around in the air like a balloon with a hole in it.
Thats the best thing about the replay (together with the sick DMs)
evil Führer of Evil
Manipulate your Fate: Cool replay mate, didn't know you were into sp.
Opener: A little stale tbh, nothing that destroys the replay but you should go for something instead of waiting for a joint to fall in place like that.
330: Left leg extending and then contracted. Doesn't look really good when you do that, should've just contracted.
260: The crash into uke was a good idea, but in all honesty it looked more as if you just crushed all of your momentum. I'd find a workaround and either make tori or uke keep momentum.
Dm's are good mate, but I think you can boom on kick #2.

Tickle my boomstick: Hey I like this replay, not much to go on really apart from openers as stated above. Nice flow with grabs.

Overall you've got a nice flow in your replays. I think you should work on openers a bit more though. Otherwise you should be on your way to try to make better looking spins, harder booms, non-grab hits etc.
Owner of Fred
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
I agree with everything swepples said on the first replay

Second one was pretty dope too

500-440 was really stiff looking, the right elbow was raised too long imo, otherwise the opener was good.

Holy shit mate, that decap was the coolest looking decap I've seen for a while, the little grab was smart as hell.

last kick was ok, not much to say about it, you could probably get more dms but whatever

good flow, powerful hits gj
First self spar, cnc is appreciated, will put the mod below if you don't have it

I made the first like 300 frames of this replay a few months ago, and I had time today and was scrolling through my replays and found it so I decided to finish it. Idk if you all can see the difference in movement and flow from the first 300 frames to the rest of the replay, but I definitely can. Whether that's better or worse I'm not sure :V
Attached Files
childvschild_test2.tbm (16.9 KB, 7 views)
Clone Wars.rpl (677.0 KB, 13 views)
you're on thin ice, pal