Man you guys don't read much. There was a whole piece of this I read. Some guy high in the government was getting payed off to go over to Iraq and take oil from the Iraq nation, because they would not give us any oil. American soldiers were fighting for nothing in Iraq, these soldiers were not fighting terrorist. The guys that were over in Iraq in the army were giving orders to kill non terrorist "organizations" that they thought would be a good suspect as terrorist threats. That is why "a terrorist group" bombed the twin towers supposedly.

As far as I know, Bush just used the twin towers as an excuse to go after oil in Iraq.

Also, soz for being offensive, deady. ;o
It just really bugs me when religious people say that religion means peace, since most religious books ask their followers to kill or punish people who are different.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Originally Posted by ugonadie6 View Post
Man you guys don't read much. There was a whole piece of this I read. Some guy high in the government was getting payed off to go over to Iraq and take oil from the Iraq nation, because they would not give us any oil. American soldiers were fighting for nothing in Iraq, these soldiers were not fighting terrorist. The guys that were over in Iraq in the army were giving orders to kill non terrorist "organizations" that they thought would be a good suspect as terrorist threats. That is why "a terrorist group" bombed the twin towers supposedly.

And you just assume this is true? Maybe a bunch of rednecks of the Muslim world just decided to run a plane into the tower
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judging an entire nation on what a few radicals do? like calling all Muslims Terrorists, or all Germans Jew hating Nazi's, or all Americans racist KKK members.
In every country there are nut cases who murder, doesn't, make the country bad, or the religion they believe in bad, just those few individuals.

I believe it was Islamic extremist that flew those planes in 9/11, not bush, but I believe that oil was a motive in the Iraq war

@war hero, it also says in the KJV bible to stone all wives who commit Adultery.

just my two cents
I type as I speak, with several commas and run on sentences, dont be hatin'.