well, if you'd like details and complexity, I can give that too. The chair I made was means to be simple and elegant, playing off of ideas where less is more, and simpler is cleaner.

I'll make something complex for ya.
Originally Posted by phail View Post
That's a smexy entry Foodeater, you can edit your choice at any time. This ends on the 5th of June.

So, are you gonna announce the winner or what? It's a day late already.
So, it's novi's previous entry (since it met the deadline) vs. mine... who wins?

btw, that chair looks pretty frail; nice and light, though, I guess, but I'm not sure if lumpy styrofoam would be good for my ass.
How comfy it looks - Novitech!
How good the quality is - Foodeater!
How much I want to steal it and place it in my lounge room - Novitech!
How creative it is - Foodeater!

Holycalmdown. It's a close one guys. However the winner is....Foodeater!I made you waste your energy you lazy bastards :0 Sending tc now, that's a wrap. Congratulations!
lead Sigma
Yay! Thanks! I didn't quite get the .5 tcs, I thought it was some sort of typo, but oh well. I like the idea of half a toricredit for some reason.
Originally Posted by phail View Post
the winner is....Foodeater!I made you waste your energy you lazy bastards :0 Sending tc now, that's a wrap. Congratulations!

Congrats FE, nice work. Also, phail you only wasted about an hour of my time

Originally Posted by FoodEater View Post
btw, that chair looks pretty frail; nice and light, though, I guess, but I'm not sure if lumpy styrofoam would be good for my ass.

Frail? Hardly. Considering how little metal it uses, it wouldn't be particularly expensive to use something like titanium for the structure (see: Ross Lovegrove's Go Chair) Even aluminum would be fine. Heck, steel would even be ok, considering how little of it there is.

As for the "lumpy styrafoam"... well, it's not actually supposed to look like styra.... I just didn't wait for more that 30 seconds for it to fully render the leather textures :S

And, this is actually a common seating concept, and has been used a lot of places. It's really quite comfortable.

;) I don't feel bad losing. Had I put more than an hour into this, maybe. I spent over 100 hours into designing a different chair, irl.
Last edited by Brainstorm; Jun 8, 2009 at 08:59 AM.