Awesome RocYaJaw just awesome ..
its a Yes to RocYaJaw from me, still have my doubts about Ace120 and Kingdrake..
I was going to suggest a yes to rocyajaw, but then i saw what leilak saw. It looks like you either posted at the same time in both clans or dat first then us, seeing a non-acception to dat.
I know your skill in tk though and in a few other mods so im gonna go with a yes anyways.
xD sent me this

Wats sup ern theres a problem with me applying for Urban, I applied for DAT and like a few days ago they accepted my application because in getting a little known in the game. Now I'm being tested, I was tested by Jepoy and he said yes now all i need is one more tester to test me and if i get another yes I'm up for the poll and the way it's looking everyone seems to know somewhat a little about me and my little skill so I think if I do well against my nest tester I'm going to be in but if not ill apply ASAP... sorry Ern i waited for that pm you said you was going to send me last week before I applied but your exams took more out of you than I expected so I thought you forgot about me so I applied for DAT.-I sent him this
These things happen-Ern sent this
ul mate. if you still wana try out for urban you know what to do-and he sent this-Ern sent this
Ern understood my decision yall should to.

PS:: Ern was going to send me a pm about join before i applied for DAT but he understood it was his fault for forgetting and i understood why he forgot but he wanted me to join and I did...

PPS:: Leilak it seems to me that either you have a problem with me applying or you just don't like me and when were in the lobbies you treat me like I'm underneath you, like you a better person. What did i ever do to you to give you a reason to treat me like a jerk?

PPPS:: Cyclone what happened to JL?
Last edited by Ern; Jun 16, 2009 at 11:33 AM.
I just Roc'ed Ya JAW[42]Times
Originally Posted by RocYaJaw View Post
Leilak it seems to me that either you have a problem with me applying or you just don't like me and when were in the lobbies you treat me like I'm underneath you, like you a better person. What did i ever do to you to give you a reason to treat me like a jerk?

I dont have a problem with you applying. I dont treat you like you are underneath me. You barely talk to me in the servers so i dont know why you are feeling upset right now. I think you should get to know me first before you start accusing me

Also, use the edit button in the future
Originally Posted by Ern View Post
Its very simple. You were asked to fill in the little set of questions, add 3-5 replays and no more. You were aware that this is not the thread you would be tested in as it clearly states so in the first post. You decided to post those 'testing replays' here to further your chances of getting into the clan rather than wait for your testing thread to be made by a leader.

Just calm down, follow the rules and wait for procedure.

My bad. I actually told him to post it here, after I had tested him. Didn't really know you were going to make a testing thread. So, Kingdrake, sorry for the inconvenience I've caused.
It makes me wonder..
Fair play flub, I expected some teething problems. Will take a little time to get into the swing of things i think.
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