Originally Posted by Teknik View Post
Kingdom hearts.

Compared to todays graphics no.
I can drag up several beautiful PS2 games easy.
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert
For their time-era, Kingdom Hearts had pretty good graphics. So did some of the cut-scenes in Final Fantasy 7, however that was Playstation 1. Obviously compared to today's graphics, they aren't even close. But, for their time-era, games like those had award winning graphics.

Game looks great. Going to go play Sniper Ghost Warrior to get ready ;)
So... like uber-quad-month-bump here, but the game came out a few days back now (May 1st) and I've since got my hands on it.

It's every bit as awesome as the trailer would have you think, and compensating for wind/bullet drop etc. can be quite challenging, especially on the higher difficulty settings (you can customise how hard certain aspects of the game are). The whole killcam thing is really neat, and it's very rewarding seeing an enemy sniper take a bullet directly through their eye socket and out the other end of their skull.

So far I've only played the first two missions (essentially the demo's levels from what I've heard) and it's been fun so far, although I felt somewhat cheated when I didn't get killed quite as fast as I had expected upon being jumped by some goons in a cafe and was able to blast them away with some spray-and-pray from the thompson. I suppose this wouldn't happen on the highest difficulties though, so I'm content with that.

Oh, and if you CoD players out there are wondering if you can quick-scope, it's entirely possible, just don't expect to hit anything if you've been running about and your guy's heart beat is going too fast and putting off his aim. You'll need to compensate for bullet drop and stuff too, all within that split second of aiming :P
Quickscoping when inside buildings is so much better than any pistol/automatic action. You can 1shot almost anything with it so if you have one or two guys climbing down the sniper stairs towards you, you can take them both down with the same click without doing more than looking at their general direction
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
I'll be playing this next weekend. I have finished the demo on Sniper Elite difficulty without much issues, but the AI looked a bit bugged regarding spotting and it felt quite fast paced for a sniper game. But, that was just the demo after all.

Any first impressions from somebody who plays this at Sniper Elite difficulty?
Originally Posted by Zalmoxis View Post
I'll be playing this next weekend. I have finished the demo on Sniper Elite difficulty without much issues, but the AI looked a bit bugged regarding spotting and it felt quite fast paced for a sniper game. But, that was just the demo after all.

Any first impressions from somebody who plays this at Sniper Elite difficulty?

I play it on the SE difficulty.

Trust me, with all of the shit on your screen its hard as fuck.

It still is satisfying, especially when you land that perfect shot and the bullet cam X -rays the shot.

In SE difficulty, you have no indicators, meaning, binoculars are useless, no help while aiming, no steadier aiming, realistic breathing.

The soldiers are set to Veteran, which means they will have exceptional hearing, and the snipers will notice you easily if you aren´t hidden.

Killing Hitler with a heart-shot while measuring the distance, fall of bullet, wind direction and speed. Trying to get him while he is constantly moving is hard but you feel so good afterwards that you will be like " OH GOD I JUST SHOT HITLER WITH A SEVERELY REALISTIC SHOT OHMAYGD!"

I fully recommend this game.

-Dude out.
You thought you can kill me? Well I am already dead. So Fuck you and your inbred son in law.
The bullet drop and wind factors seem too heavy. At medium distances, my bullet could be an inch or more below the reticule. Still a good game, but the "realism" factors don't seem too realistic. Also, being sneaky is hard for me.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Sniper Elite difficulty is easy for me :s

200-300m distance requires a notch drop on the scope's reticle, and the wind factor measure is a perfect gauge at that distance. Use the two lines to imagine a pseudo-reticle, and you're all set. I haven't shot at anything longer than that, having only played the demo, but I assume every extra 200m means doubling the calculations. I suspect not so with wind though, so just 200m = one notch drop, 400 = two etc. etc.

Also, I can quickscope the whole demo :s the game's a bit too easy in my books, though I take great pleasure in the killcam. It makes me have a small orgasm everytime.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Deathdude9 View Post
I play it on the SE difficulty.

Trust me, with all of the shit on your screen its hard as fuck.

It still is satisfying, especially when you land that perfect shot and the bullet cam X -rays the shot.

In SE difficulty, you have no indicators, meaning, binoculars are useless, no help while aiming, no steadier aiming, realistic breathing.

The soldiers are set to Veteran, which means they will have exceptional hearing, and the snipers will notice you easily if you aren´t hidden.

Killing Hitler with a heart-shot while measuring the distance, fall of bullet, wind direction and speed. Trying to get him while he is constantly moving is hard but you feel so good afterwards that you will be like " OH GOD I JUST SHOT HITLER WITH A SEVERELY REALISTIC SHOT OHMAYGD!"

I fully recommend this game.

-Dude out.

I am aware of what the difficulty levels consist of. I was referring more to the AI, because in the demo they were almost as bad as the Sniper Ghost Warrior AI at the highest difficulty.

Also as far as shooting moving targets, playing BF3 on vehicle maps with a sniper is much harder. Sniper Elite V2 is a very forgiving game.

Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
The bullet drop and wind factors seem too heavy. At medium distances, my bullet could be an inch or more below the reticule. Still a good game, but the "realism" factors don't seem too realistic. Also, being sneaky is hard for me.

Even with modern rifles, shooting at speeds of over 500 m/s, you could get a bullet drop of over 30 meters for each KM. The WW ones shot at a slower speed, making the bullet drop you saw ingame adequate. Haven't played the demo enough to notice the wind speed though.

Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Sniper Elite difficulty is easy for me :s

200-300m distance requires a notch drop on the scope's reticle, and the wind factor measure is a perfect gauge at that distance. Use the two lines to imagine a pseudo-reticle, and you're all set. I haven't shot at anything longer than that, having only played the demo, but I assume every extra 200m means doubling the calculations. I suspect not so with wind though, so just 200m = one notch drop, 400 = two etc. etc.

Also, I can quickscope the whole demo :s the game's a bit too easy in my books, though I take great pleasure in the killcam. It makes me have a small orgasm everytime.

You are right about the above, except for the wind speed adjustment in your scope. I am curious to see if they have implemented the bullet roll effect and the Coriolis effect, because in the demo I couldn't get the chance to test them .
I like this game, i would lie if i didnt, although..
I was expecting it to be better, more free, bit more open...
It's a good game, so my QQing is all my fault.

Played the first 4 missions on SE.
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert