oyster, very nice, its my style and can see it implemented into other systems better than skura's sofar, but i dont see how the design on the left has any relevance to GATA... unless you'd like to explain further.

@skura, read my post on the previous post, just did a rough sketchup of my idea, but the straight lines just dont seem to work without the text... can you just give me a version of just the G and the head?

@luke, il get to work on one aswell

@doxxy, try working it into a more horizontal/landscape profile, search up some logo's on the net for a bit of inspiration

ghiita brought up a valid point with pointing out that he's willing to crit BECAUSE HE'S NOT COMPETING.
remember, this logo represents YOU, so critting the other competitors is in your best interests.
prize is just incentive
Last edited by BenDover; Jun 6, 2010 at 01:06 AM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Ben: Well, the old GATA logo is just a triangle, I wanted to keep it true to that and also modernize it.
back from the dead
if you could split the two L shapes and place one on either side of the text, incorporate a colour(important)
sorta flanking the text, supporting it. or keep them together, but move them centrally, so the text is over the shapes
then you could link it to how GATA is the active pillar of strength to the toribash art community.

the shapes would take some editing to get them to be able to stand on their own

colour is necesary tho
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
If you could do a rough sketch of what you mean (even something ridiculous in Paint), I'm sure I could accomplish it.
back from the dead
i find the red really makes them pop, makes them more 3D for some reason, that may just be the slight gradient i added tho.
see what i mean by the 2 supporting pillars?

now i really need to get to bed, 2:30am and iv done a fair amount of drinking.
if you'll excuse me
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Damn Ben, looks nicer already.

Might just chuck some alternative shading on that and we're set to jet, because that looks fantastic.
back from the dead
Originally Posted by Doxxy View Post

Here's what i got going so far, I'm not to sure where to edit really. But yeah, this is what i got so far.

Also the map, i didn't make but i edited it heavily to make it seem like i did ;p

I love the globe here... if you could provide the psd so others can edit it a bit etc etc. I think this should be more like a teamwork than competition.