My dream where i was playing every game with this nick name TimeWorker
From then TimeWorker is my nickname
Well there is where i got my name from
My dream where i never stopped falling while feeling like i was rising while feeling like i was in an elevator while feeling like i was going sideways while feeling like i was stationary
My most extreme dream was when I was about 5 I fell in a lake and started drowning crying for help as my parents didn't come, I woke up with tears in my eye.
Once in a dream I was having a family gathering. We were all in a small ass room when a fucking sabertooth tiger came in and killed everyone but me. Scarily detailed forca dream tbh. Anyways, long story short, I try to sneak out, the floor ends up creaking, and it kills me. It was kinda creepy though because as soon as it hit me, actually felt it. I had fallen off of my bed. More of a nightmare i guess but w/e.
once had a dream where I pulled one of my employees into a back room, yelled at him, and cussed him out. I vividly remember yelling "Shut the fuck up, you stupid fuck" to him. then I walked out of the room, and proceeded to break down crying on the wall.

Nothing super crazy, but it's the only dream I actually remember that's kind of screwed up. should totally have a dream journal. that sounds fun
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
I was young, I still remember that dream... everyone around me faded away and monsters were everywhere. I realized it was a dream so I jumped off a cliff, landed on spikes, somehow I was still alive so I twisted and turned to kill myself in the dream, then I woke up.

Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
My most extreme dream was when I fucked your bitch in some gucci flip flops.

My most extreme dream was when I was 8, There were wolves surrounding our house, and I wasn't able to scream for help.
my most extreme dream is when I was 7?? (idk somewhere around there) I got vaporized into millions of fragments but i'm still alive.