Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Liquidoom View Post
Tinerr: is that a table of elements on the fridge?

Yup, each element can be moved out of it though, we formed our names on a meeting with friends. ;O
Originally Posted by Tinerr View Post
Yup, each element can be moved out of it though, we formed our names on a meeting with friends. ;O

Science, bitch!
Originally Posted by Tinerr View Post


Coming soon to a Torishop near you.

Originally Posted by cat View Post
you look like an evil prince/king from a disney movie

Why Evil.
I look fucking charming.

Originally Posted by Neko View Post
How sober do I need to be in these photos.

This drunk or less is probably ok

But you'll want to be more sober than this. I don't speak of that night often...