Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I never wrote that, my nemesis did. He's my evil twin brother.
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
Once upon a time, one coincidence led to another in the absolute most beneficial fashion, and I got my friend to think I was a wizard under demonic possession.

It's actually still happening now, up to the point where he thinks I have to kill hi- ..pardon me, the demon inside me has to kill him to make the proper sacrifice to exit my body.
He's scared for his life.


Waddup been a while since I posted figured this thread seemed interesting.

My story...
Sup name is Chris born in 93, pretty much normal upbringing in Australia. Had an older bro and sister.
They fullfilled their roles and made my life fun and hell numerous times.
Eg Brother gave me a beer bottle full of petrol and I drank it when I was 5 had to get stomach pumped etc.
When my sister was about 10 she got type 1 diabetes and since then, our family has taken a turn for the worst.

Teens: Went into a darkhole in my teens, the things I had seen happened to my sister fucked me up emotionally and still play a factor in my life today.
Long story short - during the last year I've brought myself out alot more than I was between 14-17 and am starting to get all my life on track.
Finished high school last year and taking a year of to work and hopefully travel at the end.

My Story...
My name is Dennis Meszaros, born 16th april 1996, a proud slovakian.
I never realy knew my dad well, i know who he is but i never talked to him seriously.
When i was about 2 or 3 my dad left us or maybe even earlier but i was a f***ing baby and my brain wasnt completed yet. Then when i got about 6 or 7 i saw my dad after a load of time again near the home of my granparents so he needed some help with his car. I saw him and another woman, that means he had a new girlfriend that might be it because i saw them freaking kissing each others ugly mouths. Then when he wanted to enter i said hi dad nicely he just had that pokerface on me that f***tard. Thats when i would today like to time travel and punch his stupid face. While that time i used to live at my granparents with much shit that happened normaly like you know eating chilli peppers and thinking its sweet then running for water and that makes it worse? I remember some of my childhood also when i played with the axe of my grandpa. I was about 7 when i was playing with it i pushed it into the earth with the sharp side the whole time to make me i dont know a knew building? I only remember when i rotated it and the sharp side was looking to me it was my biggest fault. I knocked the sharp side onto my head and when i took it off i didnt feel great so i went to my grandmother to look for me what happened when she touched my head with her finger she started to cry i didnt know what happened but she showed me her finger and the blood on it was dark , a real dark red. From that i didnt remember much i guess i knocked out or something. Also i didnt only live at my granparents house, i also used to live for one year at my moms house. She got beaten that whole time and i had to watch it while i tried to defend her from her boyfriend while he was beating her, but i was only a little child i couldnt do much. Also i often had that stress between my grandparents and my mom. I once lived at their house and often at my moms house. It was much also they often had their own little conflicts. While that time i got mobbed in school and often they tried to beat me but i could cover me no one ever realy hurted me. After that when i was about i guess 12 i got in the 5th class where i got mobbed until the 8th. Since the 8th class i have no problems and many respect me now i still live with my mom but thats allright because her ex-boyfriend isnt appearing here anymore. Sometimes i have conflicts with my mom but that is that Mother + Son conflict you know how that works. Right now i am fine, my mom too and i hope it stays in the future like this.
Nice to know that some of the members of this clan are around my age. ^_^
So, this will be dramatic.
My name is Jimmy Le and I am 15 years old. I was born on November 8th, 1996 in Camden, New Jersey in North America. When I was a child, the only language I knew was Vietnamese, but that didn't work out so well when I confronted my first day of Pre-K. *Oh no. embarassing story time* When I first walked into my classroom, I was very shy and I wasn't very open to other people nor did I want to. Once my mom left me in that room with other children that I did not know, I cried. Yes, I cried because I thought she was leaving me forever.(I was a smart child :3) Then, I had the need to use the bathroom very badly, but the teacher couldn't understand what I was saying, so she called my mom to come over and she explained to her that I was about to piss my pants off. Anyways, Camden was a very hard neighborhood to live in. There are gangs, gang violence, shoot outs, etc. When I was in the 3rd grade, my brother, named Michael, joined his first gang. I can't remember his age at that time, but he's 18 now and was recently disowned by my mother. In total, he's stolen about $1000 of our family's money. He also sold some of my dad's (His step-dad) drills and such to sell and gain money to buy weed. He was assaulted by a gang when he insulted one of their members. My childhood was mostly growing up to be a badass who fought in school nonstop. I can't remember how many fights I've been in from 1st grade to 8th. Let's just say a lot. I've participated in gang wars and shoot outs, and for that it cost me 6 of my closest friends' lives. My past is all behind me though.

I am currently in 9th grade and I have a beautiful girlfriend. We've been going out for over 10 months and I do believe that she's the girl that I'm going to marry. She's taught me that I shouldn't mess up my life any further., and I promised her that I won't, no matter what. My career choice right now is to become an architect. I have straight A's in all of my classes and I am very athletic. I like to play football (American) mostly, but I played on all of my school's sports. (Football team, Basketball, Baseball, and now Volleyball) I'm too young to get my driver's permit, but my sister is already helping me learn the basics of driving. I am considered very popular in my school and around my neighborhood, but, I'm being very honest, my self-esteem is very low. My girlfriend calls me "cute" all the time, but I always think that I'm a fugly monster. :3 Yes, I am a bit emo. I have a scar on my shoulder from a knife fight a while ago. Whenever I get depressed or angry, I take a knife and slit open that scar. I once passed out from too much loss of blood, and my girlfriend was afraid that I would die. I promised her that I would never open it again. ANYWAYS, I'm now in a very active relationship with my girlfriend, and my life is very nice and calm.

Geez, I typed a bit too much. So, there's some parts of my life for you.
Last edited by Kiza; Mar 25, 2012 at 12:00 AM.
Wow man, I can't imagine having to live like that as a small child.

I've been in fights, but not fights with guns or knifes.

I'm happy that you're out of that shit now. Your girlfriend sounds really nice, she must really be special if she helped you out of that situation. Stick with her ;)
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth