Endurance Onslaught 6.0

"I could do this safely, or I could have some fun."

Malek contemplates between these two choices for half a second, and decides the latter is the much better one. Malek disregards common sense entirely and runs towards the pits and shadows to the east, jumping across them into the shadow squares, or at least putting decent effort towards. Malek trusts his instincts to guide him through the maze with minimal effort, while planning for attacks from any angle.
Last edited by suomynona; May 28, 2010 at 03:58 AM.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Rhaken finds his way easily, it's not a long walk, there's a guy just outside and a guy at the entrance

Malek makes his jump onto a platform he couldn't see, using the walls to balance him self, he sees several buels heading his way from the other direction, and a long hall riddled with pit falls, the hall seems to be sloped down, it get's pretty hot around here.
Last edited by Vox; May 28, 2010 at 04:03 AM.
"This should be slightly disconcerting..." Malek stops for a moment as he hears the Buels behind him.

"Nah." Malek keeps on going, without caring about the consequences for failure. After all, failure wouldn't be awesome.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Name: Alejandro Ven-Harris
Nickname: Rabbit
Rank: Student grade 1
Preferred weapon: He carries the ancient budding Rod of Aaron.
Preferred colour: Blue/White

Alejandro Ven-Harris, AKA Rabbit, does not fit the usual "average joe" category. More than anything he enjoys working out, meditating, and practicing his beloved spells.
Rabbit has a very unique item that he takes everywhere he goes, the budded staff of Aaron. Not much is known about him but some say that Rabbit possesses an inner
source of untouched power. If ever tapped into, even the slighest of bit, there would be great devastation and chaos throughout the lands. But for now he twiddles with the
"white" persona which if ever compared to what is hidden inside of him disintegrates in the presence.
I have no idea what your weapon is, any explanation? It sounds legal tho so that's cool.
Weapon aprooved

20x: Life
 5x: Drain
 1x: Demi
Random move from:
Full-Cure, Holy Storm, Aura-All, Shell-All

You've had a GF for some time, called 'Leo', A Red/White GF specialises in killkillkilldieheal

Abilities gain:
BOOST : Depending on concentration you can boost the damage your GF dose in battle
GFSM (GF summon) +10% (10% more damage)
Junction to HP

You have above average sync with your GF, so it will summon decently quickly.
Last edited by Vox; May 28, 2010 at 03:56 PM.
Jositai stops staring at the junction screen and finally does something. Heh.

Jositai, behind Malek I assume, takes a stand in front, prosed to side-swipe several opponents at once. Predicting that will not kill them all, jumping forward as the incoming buels enter jumping rage, a full forward lunge will be sprung - smacking the weaklings in wings where possible to immobalize those still conscious. Draw any magic possible from survivors.

That should about cover it.. Sorry for the AFKness.
"Anything running perfectly is running like clockwork."
It looked like the fun had already started. Rhaken grinned, and brought his axe into position.

"Hello, lovelies."

He ran forward to Jositai's side and several feet away, and started pacing and swinging, aiming to bury his axe into as many enemies as possible, or at least drive them away, moving nimbly all the while to avoid being rushed.
<stonewall> spiritBot: choke on a dick
<&spiritBot> That's not a floating planet.
Jositai rewrites his position (18/20)
Rhaken rewrites the caves inner structure so that he can see them and follow them (19/20)
Malek is now being followed by both (10/20)
Jositai agros 90% of bules

map for clarity:
      |        |
     /          \
    /   b      b \___    __    __   __        /./   ._______
___/                    ..... ...   ....      /./    ........\
b             b          ... ...M.. ...b.     /./     ....().|
 b        J       ____  ._.   .__. .___.      /./   ...______/
--__              \
      Cave Entrance.
R = Rhaken
M = Malek
J = Jositai
b = Buel
/./ = etc
. = ground where ambiguous
' = 2 levels up
^ = 1 level up
_/\ = Walls
~ = lava flow
- = shadow
() = pit

Jositai finds him self surrounded by buels, and more sounds in the distance, two attack him with bites just as malek notices them following him, and do little to no damage as Rhaken makes them flinch in surprise with his battel cry as he runs down the slopes. Malek turns back round to judge his next jump and notices a buel in-front of him. Jositai has an uncontrollable urge to kill everything.
Last edited by Vox; May 29, 2010 at 02:29 PM.
Malek smiles and takes a leap of faith, jumping onto the buel's head and hopefully the buel's platform. Landing there, he double jumps, attempting to break whatever bodily cohersion the buel believes it has while flying forwards onto the next platform.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Malek's foot lands on the Buel, and then he bounces off it as it turns into a coin in a puff of smoke, he lands on hits knees on the next platform on the map next to the hole (Time and space just took a punch to the gut)

Space retaliates as some of the platforms crash down the pit into the magma below, that path is now blocked due to large gaps.

Tip to everyone BTW: Use finished arguments in your posts and your character will continue should your post be very short, In example suomynona told me over IRC that he will be looking around this area, the best way to do this is to say : "Malek decides to have a look around the seemingly dead end, and investigates the lone northwest block to it's extents" In this case he will investigate everything he can in the time it takes, it would by comparison be worse to say "looks around at the lone northwest piece of land" because I wont assume you want to go further when you find something.
Last edited by Vox; May 29, 2010 at 03:19 PM.