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[MAU] Martial Arts Uncontested
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To become an Uncontested Martial Artist you should be respectful, capable of critical thinking, active in both Toribash and thread discussions and willing to devote time and effort to the clan..

The history of the Martial Arts Uncontested clan originated on the battlefields in the time of the emperor Tokugawa, in Japan. A Martial Artist by the name of Xu Shi was appointed a special task by the great Tokugawa himself. This special task was to train the absolute best Martial Artists that Japan had ever seen. Tokugawa knew that the enemy was marching closer with each breath. He described to Xu Shi weapons that could end the heartbeat of a man from long distances, with the sound of Dragon's Fire. Tokugawa was not prepared to lose his empire. Xu Shi swore she would have the greatest warriors the world had ever seen. Men and women with fighting technique that could even defeat the Dragon's Breath. Xu Shi began recruiting local peasants to learn this new Martial Art called Uncontested. With day and night training these peasants were no longer peasants. They were trained in the Martial Arts Uncontested. Xu Shi and the Uncontested marched against the enemy army. It was recorded that this Martial Art gave the masters almost inhuman speed and endurance. The enemy army was in full flight. Xu Shi's last scroll that taught the Martial Art was given to the Sky Family to keep safe. No one knows what happened to Xu Shi. Some say she retired to the hills. The others say she was assassinated by the ruling army of Shang. But one thing remains clear. This martial art lives on in Martial Arts Uncontested. Stories tell that Xu Shi retreated to the town of Ski Shi, her home town. These words have been recorded to have been said to Sky Shain. "I have developed the fighting style of the Fallen Dragon, Uncontested. If we can not save our home we will live a lie in silence."
Years later Sky disappears. However, before he did he had gave us the responsibility to keep the tradition, train the best warriors the world has seen, only that this time, we are by ourselves....

MAU runs as a clan that values respect. We also value common sense. Everyone knows that one that is not willing to listen can't teach. MAU is on the forward path. We have our first goal which is to become official. MAU is not a dictatorial clan, we take ideas from all members that may help us growth. We strive to help others meet their full potential as well as our own. Decisions are made based on the outcome. If the decision is possible and rational then it will be decided. When you are initiated into MAU you will start off as a recruit, this will last for about 2-3 weeks to learn more about you and how you act in the clan. After your recruit stage is over you will become a member. After you have been a member for a while then you may be appointed to a better position such as part of the clan recruitment team.
If you don't follow any of these steps to grow in this clan and you go inactive without informing your problem, you will be kicked (We give time to the inactive members, which is 2 weeks.)
TLDR: 2 week inactivity = kick.

Have 20,000 TC in Clan Bank [X]
Have 50,000 TC in Clan Bank [X]
Have 100,000 TC in Clan Bank [X]
Apply to be Official [X]
Become Official[X]
Be in TOP 20 Clans (Hahaha, you are so funny)
Be in TOP 10 Clans (Seriously tho, this is not happening)
Become known[] (Nice joke, no member cares enough to get known)
Become legends[] (Biggest joke in the universe)
Have our own private board (Sept. 8th, 2016)


GIVEtake [iPortal Alt.]
[I guess iPortal is considered an ally too]

NOTE: If you are a leader of a clan, you have a logo and you want to be our ally then you should create/make a 141 x 141 logo that needs to have good quality, thanks.

Our bank is MAUBank. Oxide and Zed501st have access to it. If you are interested or willing to donate to us, here is the TC Transfer link and here is the Item transfer link.
Interested in becoming a part of MAU? Stop by our Recruitment Thread.
Martial Arts Uncontested (MAU) SteamGroup.
Our Google Plus.
Check the clan mod here.
(updating when necessary)

Visit our irc @#MAU
Join us on our Discord

Banner by 0RIGINAL5.
Logo by Oxide.
Headers, renovation, and other things by Lust

(Also Superseba you know.. updating since 2015.)

Most of the written text by Onsola.

Last edited by Oxide; Oct 23, 2016 at 07:55 PM. Reason: some updates