I've noticed a huge lack of Vigilante in this thread. So, here goes.

<Vigilante> Guru sux lolol

That will be all.
<@Phoenix_afk> pro
[19:29:51] <Moltex> my cisual arts teacher is so dull
[19:29:52] <Moltex> visual
[19:29:53] <Moltex> its funny
[19:29:57] <Moltex> his comment on my report card
[19:30:26] <Moltex> "Thomas is a hard working visual arts student. Congratulations Thomas on your mark this term."
[19:30:31] <Moltex> i bet he put that on every report card
[19:31:15] <Moltex> just cause my names so amazing
Be careful...
...we're watching.
[18:13:25] -->| Yasiou ( has joined #toriguru
[18:21:32] <Mosier> YASIOU
[18:21:32] <Mosier> (bleep)
[18:21:32] <Mosier> ITS YASIOU
[18:21:32] <Mosier> OMG
[18:21:32] <Mosier> GUYS
[18:21:32] <Mosier> LOOK
[18:21:33] <Mosier> YASIOU IS HERE
[18:21:34] <Mosier> LOOK
[18:21:35] <Mosier> LOOK
[18:21:36] <Mosier> LOOK
[18:21:36] <Mosier> LOOK
[18:21:37] <Mosier> YASIOU
[18:21:38] <Mosier> GUYS
[18:21:41] <Mosier> ITS YASIOU
[18:21:43] <Mosier> !!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:21:54] <Spaz> O
[18:21:55] <Spaz> u
[18:21:57] <Spaz> I say
[18:22:06] <Spaz> er
[18:22:07] <Spaz> lol
[18:22:09] <Spaz> oops
[18:22:10] -->| HomerDawkins ( has joined #toriguru
[18:22:12] <Spaz> U
[18:22:13] <Spaz> o
[18:22:15] <Spaz> I say
[18:22:17] <Mosier> get out homerdawkins
[18:22:18] <Mosier> yasiou is here
[18:22:31] <--| HomerDawkins has left #toriguru
[18:22:46] <lancer_c> *whew*
[18:22:49] <lancer_c> that was a close one mosier
[18:22:51] <lancer_c> good job
[18:23:02] <Spaz> lol
[18:23:45] <Mosier> np
[18:23:56] <Mosier> I thought he was gonna stay for a sec
[18:24:09] <lancer_c> that would have been a disaster
[18:24:28] <Mosier> yea
[18:24:29] <Mosier> but like
[18:24:30] <Mosier> YASIOU
[18:24:31] <Mosier> IS
[18:24:31] <Mosier> HERE
[18:24:32] <Mosier> FUCK
[18:24:35] <Mosier> YASIOU
[18:24:37] <Mosier> IS
[18:24:38] <Mosier> HERE
[18:24:58] <Mosier> k
[18:25:00] <Mosier> gonna go cook something
[18:25:33] <Spaz> mosier
[18:25:36] <Spaz> I thought you said
[18:25:50] <Spaz> "gonna go cock something"
[18:25:58] <Spaz> and I was about to say
[18:26:02] <Spaz> "caulk*"
Last edited by Spaztic_One; Nov 15, 2008 at 12:28 AM.
Be careful...
...we're watching.
<@Moltex> so uh
<Vigilante> so uh
<Vigilante> send me uke's head
<@Moltex> uh so
<Vigilante> I lost my copy
<@Moltex> unce unce unce
<@Moltex> no
<@Moltex> redownload the installer
<@Moltex> ;o
<Vigilante> no.
<@Moltex> use a picture of goatse
<Vigilante> no.
<Vigilante> yes!
<Vigilante> YES!!!
<Vigilante> Moltex, you're a genius
<@Moltex> Je suis tres intelligent.
<Yasiou> faux
<Yasiou> tu es imbecile

That really wasn't very funny, was it?

<Vigilante> It was like losing my virginity to a TV
Last edited by Vigilante; Dec 4, 2008 at 04:13 AM.
<@Phoenix_afk> pro
[02:56:06] <Yasiou> <Spaz> jessu furckin christ
[02:56:26] <Spaz> and I almost said crhist when I corrected myself
[02:56:36] <Yasiou> nice save ;o
[02:56:38] <Emosier> desu
[02:56:39] <Spaz> I kno
[02:56:40] <Spaz> =D
[02:56:41] <Emosier> DESU
[02:56:48] <Yasiou> holy shi-
[02:56:49] <Emosier> DESU
[02:56:50] <Yasiou> JESSU
[02:56:51] <Emosier> DESU
[02:56:57] <lancer_c> BAKA
[02:56:59] <Spaz> REPPUKEN!
Be careful...
...we're watching.
The wallet, the lizzard, and the guru.
[23:16] <Yasiou> !
06[23:16] * Mosier hugs Yasiou
[23:16] <Mosier> ok shhhhh
[23:16] <Mosier> it will be alright yasiou
[23:16] <Mosier> just settle down
06[23:16] * Mosier sings Yasiou to sleep
[23:16] <Yasiou> so much
[23:16] <Yasiou> activity
[23:17] <Yasiou> IT BURNS
[23:17] <Yasiou> MOSIER, IT BURNS
06[23:17] * Mosier sings harder
[23:17] <Mosier> YASIOU
[23:17] <Mosier> SHHHHH
[23:17] <Mosier> calm
[23:17] <Yasiou> :X
01[23:17] <lancer_c> YASIOU YOU HAVE TO CALM DOWN
06[23:17] * Mosier hugs yasiou
06[23:17] * Mosier sings
06[23:17] * Yasiou sways
[23:17] <Mosier> Go to sleep
[23:17] <Yasiou> *twitch*
[23:17] <Mosier> Go to sleep Yasiou
[23:17] <Yasiou> *twitch*
06[23:17] * Mosier tucks Yasiou into his bed
[23:18] <Mosier> Alright lancer, while he is asleep, lets steal his walle
[23:18] <Mosier> t
[23:18] <Yasiou> *twitch*
[23:18] <Yasiou> OH GOD
[23:18] <Yasiou> Mosier
[23:18] <Yasiou> I had the worst dream
[23:18] <Mosier> hmm
[23:18] <Mosier> :O
[23:18] <Mosier> Tell Mosier everything
[23:18] <Yasiou> lancer: stop touching me
[23:18] <Yasiou> D:
06[23:18] * lancer_c hand reached into yasious pants pocket pulling out his wallet.
[23:18] <Mosier> dude lancer
[23:18] <Mosier> gross
01[23:18] <lancer_c> what?
[23:18] <Yasiou> Mosier: this
[23:18] <Yasiou> this
[23:19] <Yasiou> thing
[23:19] <Yasiou> was being active on the forums
03[23:19] * Retrieving #toriguru modes...
[23:19] <Yasiou> it was horrible
[23:19] <Yasiou> D:
[23:19] <Mosier> What!
[23:19] <Mosier> omg
01[23:19] <lancer_c> YASIOU YOU HAVE TO CALM DOWN
[23:19] <Yasiou> it replied to every single thread
[23:19] <Mosier> this is terrible
[23:19] <Mosier> lancer, put yasiou back to sleep
06[23:19] * Mosier gets the shotgun
[23:19] <Yasiou> :o
[23:19] <Mosier> Ill take care of this dream
[23:19] <Yasiou> be careful
[23:19] <Yasiou> D:
[23:20] <Mosier> just go back to sleep
[23:20] <Yasiou> *hiss* stop touching me lancer
[23:20] <Yasiou> !
06[23:20] * Yasiou sleeps
01[23:20] <lancer_c> D:
[23:21] <Mosier> alright
[23:21] <Mosier> to take care of Yasious Dreams
06[23:21] * Mosier puts the shotgun to Yasiou's head
[23:21] <Mosier> He cant dream if he has no brain
[23:22] <Mosier> yes?
01[23:22] <lancer_c> if you open his head
01[23:22] <lancer_c> the bad dreams
06[23:22] * Yasiou snores
01[23:22] <lancer_c> might get out
[23:22] <Mosier> oh, shit
[23:22] <Mosier> you are right
01[23:22] <lancer_c> and cause us some minor discomfort
[23:22] <Mosier> hmmm
06[23:22] * Mosier gets an atom bomb
01[23:22] <lancer_c> good thinking
[23:22] <Mosier> alright
[23:22] <Mosier> ill set this in the room, and lock the door behind us
06[23:23] * Mosier arms the bomb
01[23:23] <lancer_c> WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIT
[23:23] <Yasiou> no mr snuggles, come back
06[23:23] * Yasiou snores
[23:23] <Mosier> oh, darn
[23:23] <Mosier> what
02[23:23] * Ashaltaf ( Quit (Quit: )
01[23:23] <lancer_c> we need a desk
01[23:23] <lancer_c> to hide under
[23:23] <Mosier> oh right
01[23:23] <lancer_c> it will protect us
03[23:23] * Ashaltaf ( has joined #toriguru
[23:23] <Mosier> uhh, I dont think we have any desks in this house
01[23:23] <lancer_c> shi
[23:23] <Mosier> We might have to run to the store really quick and get one
[23:23] <Yasiou> don't do that mr snuggles, *SNORE*
01[23:24] <lancer_c> fine
01[23:24] <lancer_c> I got his wallet
[23:25] <Mosier> kk
01[23:25] <lancer_c> to contains a credit card
[23:25] <Mosier> :O
01[23:25] <lancer_c> and a richard simmons fan club membership card
[23:26] <Mosier> hmmmm, that will come in handy later
[23:26] <Mosier> but for now we just need the credit card
01[23:26] <lancer_c> very well
[23:26] <Mosier> hey, before we stop by the desk store, wanna go out and buy a big tv?
[23:26] <Mosier> for... watching... things... that will help against bad dreams...
01[23:27] <lancer_c> absolutely
01[23:27] <lancer_c> probably should get the 120 inch
[23:27] <Mosier> yea, it will help fight against them more
[23:27] <Mosier> cause it is bigger
01[23:27] <lancer_c> *nod*
01[23:27] <lancer_c> oh
01[23:27] <lancer_c> we need surround sound too
[23:27] <Mosier> and a new car
01[23:28] <lancer_c> yeah
01[23:28] <lancer_c> and large quanities of canned beans
[23:28] <Mosier> and honey mustard
01[23:28] <lancer_c> and richard simmons
01[23:28] <lancer_c> ....
01[23:28] <lancer_c> !
[23:29] <Mosier> D:
[23:29] <Yasiou> OHGAWD
[23:29] <Yasiou> *pant*
[23:29] <Yasiou> *pant*
[23:29] <Yasiou> *pant*
[23:29] <Yasiou> lancer
[23:29] <Yasiou> I had the worst dream
01[23:29] <lancer_c> D:
[23:29] <Yasiou> I dreamt you two were trying to kill me
[23:29] <Yasiou> but instead took my wallet
[23:30] <Moltex> what did lancer look like
[23:30] <Yasiou> but I know you guys would never do that
[23:30] <Yasiou> <3
[23:30] <Mosier> yea... we would never do that
06[23:30] * Mosier hands moltex the shotgun
[23:30] <Mosier> BUT MOLTEX
[23:30] <Mosier> WHAT WERE YOU TRYING TO DO?
01[23:30] <lancer_c> Yasiou GUESS WHAT
[23:30] <Yasiou> Moltex: like cancer...except
01[23:30] <lancer_c> I stole your wallet
[23:30] <Moltex> ... nothing
[23:30] <Yasiou> with an l
01[23:30] <lancer_c> didn't know you liked richard simmons
01[23:30] <lancer_c> oh
[23:31] <Yasiou> lancer: you what?
01[23:31] <lancer_c> and me and mosier were ploting to destroy you
[23:31] <Yasiou> I feel
[23:31] <Yasiou> so betrayed...
[23:31] <Yasiou> ;_;
01[23:31] <lancer_c> woops
[23:31] <Yasiou> how could you?
[23:31] <Yasiou> after all we've been through
01[23:31] <lancer_c> could we what?
01[23:31] <lancer_c> we didn't do nothing
[23:31] <Mosier> nope
[23:31] <Mosier> nothing at all
[23:31] <Yasiou> o.~
01[23:32] <lancer_c> these dreams are causing you to see things yasiou
01[23:32] <lancer_c> and feel things
[23:32] <Yasiou> D:
01[23:32] <lancer_c> like your wallet being removed
06[23:32] * Yasiou checks pants
06[23:32] * Mosier smacks yasiou over the head with a chair
[23:32] <Mosier> lancer, RUN!
06[23:32] * Yasiou falls
01[23:32] <lancer_c> subtle
[23:32] <Mosier> quite
06[23:32] * lancer_c books it.
06[23:32] * Yasiou snore
[23:33] <Mosier> well. All seemed to work out perfectly.
01[23:33] <lancer_c> I love it when a plan comes together.
[23:33] <Mosier> quite
01[23:33] <lancer_c> oh wait, what were we going to buy
[23:34] <Mosier> uhhhh
[23:34] <Yasiou> screw you mr snuggles, SCREW YOU *snore*
[23:34] <Mosier> a new child?
01[23:34] <lancer_c> you keep abusing them
[23:35] <Mosier> well if they didnt suck so much
[23:35] <Mosier> I wouldnt abuse them
01[23:35] <lancer_c> and who is mr snuggles anyway?
[23:35] <Yasiou> *snore*
06[23:35] * lancer_c looks to see Richard simmons beside yasiou.
01[23:35] <lancer_c> ....oh
01[23:38] <lancer_c> and um
01[23:38] <lancer_c> you did remember to unarm that nuke right?
[23:43] <Mosier> uhhhhh
[23:43] <Mosier> we should really start running
01[23:44] <lancer_c> or find a fiber induced object to hide under
[23:44] <Yasiou> *snore*
01[23:44] <lancer_c> ....
01[23:44] <lancer_c> Richard simmons!
[23:44] <Mosier> that works too
01[23:44] <lancer_c> or we could face the nuke
06[23:46] * Yasiou awakes
[23:46] <Yasiou> what what?
[23:46] <Yasiou> ow my head
[23:46] <Yasiou> what happened
[23:47] <Yasiou> I bet this is another dream
[23:47] <Yasiou> stupid dreams
02[23:48] * Ashaltaf ( Quit (Quit: )
03[23:48] * Ashaltaf ( has joined #toriguru
03[23:49] * Ashaltaf is now known as Ash|Away
01[23:49] <lancer_c> do your dreams normally include nukes and strange men on excercise programs?
(part 2)
[23:50] <Yasiou> hmm
[23:50] <Yasiou> I dunno
[23:50] <Yasiou> Simmons is usually in here
[23:51] <Yasiou> why do you ask lancer?
01[23:51] <lancer_c> hmm, although I heard it goes the other way.... I think Simmons here may be the cause of your bad dreams
[23:51] <Yasiou> D:
01[23:51] <lancer_c> I noticed that you have been mentioning a certain...
[23:51] <Yasiou> but, but
06[23:51] * lancer_c strokes his beard.
01[23:51] <lancer_c> "mr Snuggles" in your dreams
[23:52] <Yasiou> :X
01[23:52] <lancer_c> ...any idea what that might indicate?
[23:53] <Yasiou> errr
[23:53] <Yasiou> I'd rather not say
06[23:53] * lancer_c sighs.
01[23:53] <lancer_c> They never do.
[23:53] <Yasiou> :<
[23:54] <Yasiou> will you be able to help me
[23:54] <Yasiou> if I do?
01[23:54] <lancer_c> hard to say
01[23:55] <lancer_c> but I suppose your chances would be higher of... survival then
[23:55] <Yasiou> survival
[23:55] <Yasiou> ...
[23:55] <Yasiou> is good
[23:55] <Yasiou> i guess
[23:55] <Yasiou> well Mr Snuggles was..
[23:55] <Yasiou> he was
[23:55] <Yasiou> he was my pet chameleon
01[23:55] <lancer_c> !
[23:55] <Yasiou> he died in a freak stamp collecting accident
[23:55] <Yasiou> along with my father
01[23:56] <lancer_c> ...My God
[23:56] <Yasiou> please, lancer, you must be able to do something that can help me
01[23:56] <lancer_c> hmmmmm
01[23:56] <lancer_c> it seems like you were angry with mr snuggles in your dreams
[23:57] <Yasiou> but
[23:57] <Yasiou> but why?
[23:57] <Yasiou> he was my pet
[23:57] <Yasiou> D:
01[23:58] <lancer_c> You might be dealing with this complex mental state by trying to push blame of the incident toward your pet
[23:58] <Yasiou> oh no
01[23:58] <lancer_c> when really it wasn't the fault of the pet at all
01[23:58] <lancer_c> it was all your fault
01[23:58] <lancer_c> you left the stamp book in the hall way
01[23:58] <lancer_c> and your pet got stuck
[23:58] <Yasiou> am I that bad of a person?
01[23:59] <lancer_c> and your dad triped on him and fall out the window
01[23:59] <lancer_c> IT WAS ALL YOUR FAULT
[23:59] <Yasiou> ;_;
Session Time: Sun Dec 21 00:00:00 2008
[00:00] <Yasiou> is
[00:00] <Yasiou> there
[00:00] <Yasiou> any way to seek redemption?
01[00:00] <lancer_c> the first step to recovery is to get rid of these excapes from reality
01[00:00] <lancer_c> like Richard simmons
[00:01] <Yasiou> :<
[00:01] <Yasiou> Good bye Richard
[00:01] <Yasiou> I will miss you
06[00:01] * Yasiou throws simmons out the window
06[00:01] * lancer_c crings at the screams and honking.
01[00:01] <lancer_c> well..
01[00:02] <lancer_c> that takes care of that then
[00:02] <Yasiou> *nod*
[00:02] <Yasiou> what next?
01[00:02] <lancer_c> well
[00:02] <Yasiou> please, lancer, you've got to help me
01[00:02] <lancer_c> probably should remove that nuke in your pants before it goes off
01[00:02] <lancer_c> that would be a next good step
[00:03] <Yasiou> I already took the nuke out
06[00:03] * Yasiou blushes
01[00:03] <lancer_c> oh
01[00:03] <lancer_c> well
01[00:03] <lancer_c> where did you put it?
[00:03] <Yasiou> oh no
[00:03] <Yasiou> where's it gone?
[00:04] <Yasiou> I could have sworn I put it right there
06[00:04] * Yasiou points *THERE*
01[00:04] <lancer_c> hmmmm
01[00:04] <lancer_c> did mr snuggles happen to...
01[00:04] <lancer_c> DIE IN THIS VERY ROOM?
06[00:05] * lancer_c hears sounds of a lizard moving about in the rooms and sees a floating nuke.
[00:05] <Yasiou> D:
[00:05] <Yasiou> Mr Snuggles!
[00:06] <Yasiou> is that really you?
06[00:06] * Yasiou gets on knees
01[00:06] <lancer_c> did he normally his like that?
01[00:06] <lancer_c> hiss*
[00:06] <Yasiou> I'm so sorry
[00:06] <Yasiou> lancer: there is no mistaking it
[00:07] <Yasiou> Mr Snuggles, please, I didn't mean to
[00:07] <Yasiou> put that book there
01[00:07] <lancer_c> I've studied lizard related exorisim before
01[00:07] <lancer_c> let me get the list:
01[00:07] <lancer_c> 1.)
01[00:07] <lancer_c> Richard Simmons
01[00:07] <lancer_c> ....
01[00:07] <lancer_c> ....
[00:08] <Yasiou> ....
06[00:08] * lancer_c throws the list.
01[00:08] <lancer_c> yeah, we're screwed
[00:09] <Yasiou> wait
[00:09] <Yasiou> wait
[00:09] <Yasiou> Mr Snuggles
[00:09] <Yasiou> the reason I left was to get you this...
06[00:10] * Yasiou pulls out ball
[00:10] <Yasiou> I went to the store to buy this for you
[00:10] <Yasiou> I just forgot to put the book away
[00:10] <Yasiou> please
[00:10] <Yasiou> I didn't mean to
01[00:11] <lancer_c> he seems to be reacting to seeing the ball
[00:11] <Yasiou> come here boy
01[00:11] <lancer_c> ITS WORKING
[00:11] <Yasiou> *whistles*
[00:11] <Yasiou> come here
[00:11] <Yasiou> that's a good boy
01[00:11] <lancer_c> where is he its kinda hard to see him..
06[00:11] * lancer_c *CRUNCH*
[00:11] <Yasiou> who's a good sadistic ghost chameleon?
[00:11] <Yasiou> YOU ARE
[00:11] <Yasiou> what
[00:12] <Yasiou> the
[00:12] <Yasiou> cheese crackers have you done!?
03[00:12] * millionn is now known as million
01[00:12] <lancer_c> !
[00:12] <Yasiou> wait
[00:12] <Yasiou> where's the bomb?
[00:12] <Yasiou> >.>
[00:12] <Yasiou> <.<
06[00:13] * lancer_c wipes lizard guts off his feet.
01[00:13] <lancer_c> hmm
01[00:13] <lancer_c> not sure
01[00:14] <lancer_c> he probably was moving in between dimentions
01[00:14] <lancer_c> and left it between voids
01[00:14] <lancer_c> so like
01[00:14] <lancer_c> if it goes off now it destroys everything
[00:14] <Yasiou> oh
[00:14] <Yasiou> wait a sec
[00:14] <Yasiou> Mosier has void
[00:14] <Yasiou> HE LEFT IT INSIDE MOSIER?!
01[00:15] <lancer_c> !
01[00:15] <lancer_c> quickly, run from mosier while he is here in the room all this time not saying or doing anything
[00:15] <Yasiou> sec
06[00:15] * Yasiou reaches down Mosier's pants and takes wallet
[00:15] <Yasiou> ok go
06[00:16] * lancer_c rushes out in slow motion.
06[00:16] * Yasiou slowly rushes out in fast forward
06[00:16] * lancer_c decides to screw the dramatic effect and runs faster.
06[00:16] * lancer_c jumps in mid air.
06[00:17] * Yasiou does a barrel roll
06[00:19] * lancer_c doesn't look back as the explosion comes from the room, hair sinching on the back of his head as the heat propels him forward.
06[00:22] * Yasiou doesn't look back as the explosion comes from the room, hair sinching on the back of his head as the heat propels him forward.
06[00:25] * lancer_c lands onto the grounds and tumbles forward.
06[00:26] * Yasiou face plants
[00:26] <Yasiou> awiohfaklfjlf
[00:26] <Yasiou> ow
[00:26] <Yasiou> :<
06[00:27] * lancer_c turns and looks and the wreckage and smoke.
01[00:27] <lancer_c> well, at least its over
[00:28] <Yasiou> I am
[00:28] <Yasiou> sure as hell not telling Mosier's wife about this
[00:28] <Yasiou> you do it lancer
01[00:29] <lancer_c> well, you threw his wife out the window earlier
01[00:29] <lancer_c> so that is a non issue
[00:30] <Yasiou> what?
[00:31] <Yasiou> Simmons was married
[00:31] <Yasiou> that lying sunuvab-
01[00:31] <lancer_c> *nod*
[00:31] <Yasiou> hmm yes
01[00:32] <lancer_c> well, at least you won't have anything to cause you horrible nightmares anymore
01[00:33] <lancer_c> other than the long term phycological effects of todays events
01[00:33] <lancer_c> which will likely end up worse for your mental state than your childhood traumas
[00:33] <Yasiou> but
[00:33] <Yasiou> HOLY SHI-
[00:33] <Yasiou> DID YOU SEE MY BARREL ROLL?
01[00:34] <lancer_c> THAT WAS AWESOME
[00:34] <Yasiou> o>
[00:35] <Yasiou> o/
01[00:35] <lancer_c> <o
01[00:35] <lancer_c> \o
[00:36] <Yasiou> too bad Mosier missed it
[00:37] <Yasiou> ;_;
01[00:37] <lancer_c> ;;