Originally Posted by king01 View Post
Yah it's a good game.
But many people say that it is boring.

well, if you are not familiar with how the game goes it's boring

cuz i'll be honest here
(it's alot of waiting and cutscenes and it's basically x,circle,square and triangle to win, BUT the storyline is well told and made so it adds up, also one other thing that can make it boring is if you haven't played uncharted 2) you kinda need to play through both to get the storyline)

also a thing that is true about uncharted 3 the beggining is VERY slow. but as you come farther it becomes uncharted 2 and eventually (about 30% in) it is better than number 2

Originally Posted by king01 View Post
Why mw2?
When there is mw3

you mean MW 2,5?... lol
I'm a fucking professional!
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

I don't even have to justify my opinion.
That guy named Poppo
You know, the leader of Fyre.
Originally Posted by king01 View Post
Dose xbox360 is better but if you want something for online gameplay then buy a ps3.
You don't have to pay for online on ps3

You get what you paid for

Gears of war, god of war and halo are pretty badass series

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
Fallout 3 is the greatest game of all time, hands down. New Vegas, is good, it just isn't Fallout 3, if that makes sense.

Incidentally I haven't purchased or played Skyrim. So the above opinion is liable to change within the next few days when I get my hands on a copy.