Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Congratulations! I've always wanted to drive, but I got some serious unsolvable problems with the accelerator. Maybe because I play too much Gran Turismo4, so I always put too much weight on it. D:
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!
Congratulations. You look like a killer. :>

Anyways, how many of you guys already drive? And what has been your most frightening or fun experience?
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
@wannin: I'm not sure it's Gran Turismo, maybe Grand Theft Auto? That's true skill. And good job, by the way .
My kicks will give you U-NO-POO.
Hunters - Trespassers will be pwned.
Originally Posted by Gotkicks2 View Post
Congratulations. You look like a killer. :>

Dude, my road test was at 9:00 AM, and once I passed, the lady at the DMV was such a bitch to me, I was about ready to punch her in the face.
Originally Posted by Gotkicks2 View Post
Anyways, how many of you guys already drive? And what has been your most frightening or fun experience?

When I was really small I dreamt that I stole my mothers huge car and drove of.
I was to short to see over the instrument panel so I was driving like a fork.
I hit a McDonald's and then the dream ended. Scariest dream I ever had.
lmao jisse exactly the same for me! except that I didn't hit McDonald's but our neighbor's house
A proud ex-leader of the mighty [Hunters]
Oh, I had a dream like that. It was fun. It was more GTA style though, so I never really died...
My kicks will give you U-NO-POO.
Hunters - Trespassers will be pwned.