Belt:Black belt
Reason Why u want to join us:because i don't a clan+many friends, it would be nice to have some friends.
What you Can Do For The Clan:Be there for my clan mates =D.
Active times:Im mostly on all day and almost all night XD.
Boosters?:None atm, getting very soon.
Three best replays:Lmfaooooo ftw!!!.rpl, fliporama.rpl, run'n head kick
Nickname:The Cobra
Rank Atm.(oprox): 1355 is my rank at the moment
Belt: 3rd dan black belt
Reason Why u want to join us: Cauz i was in reacti0n and dirt is a good friend so i wanna join :P
What you Can Do For The Clan: i am offten active ingame and in forums so i can look after boards and other thing ;P
Active Times: idk when i want i go in tb
Boosters?: i had instaboost and i buy it sometimes
Style: I hold on i look at a chance and never give up
Former Clans(why you left, got booted): Essence,Reacti0n,Flames,FF
3 Best Replays(preferably SP): Sorry but i had to restart my computer so i havent got good replays at the moment
Last edited by Cobra; Aug 28, 2009 at 09:24 PM.
Rank Atm.:Not Sure Dont Get The Question
Belt:Black Belt
Email: No Its Not Capital "H"
Reason Why You Want To Join The Clan: Its A reasnoble Clan And Its Got Kool Name
What you Can Do For The Clan:Im Very Much A Nice Person I Support Clan Members Even When They Lose A Match And I Admitt A Good Game(Not To Say Others Dont lol)And If I lose Well Just 1 Loss
Active Times:No Idea.....What It Is....
Style:Hold And Specialality:Judo
Formor Clanswhy you left, got booted):[Toxic]
3 Best Replays:It Wont Let ME click on the paper clip