Pretty awesome so far. I love the combat system.

The main things that annoy me are
- Not enough customization for a DnD game Feats, stat points etc are very limited, and the skill set is very limited, and doesn't seem to have any cross classing opportunities, the default classes are just cross-class archetypes :/ Later on there are feats and prestige, but still, under level 10 everyone is identical. Skill upgrades tend to be boring; lvl 2: +10% damage, lvl 3: +10% damage. Derp.
- Some things are undodgeable and unjukeable like archers, the arrows are homing and will dodge around pillars, and even if you dodge behind the archer he can still shoot out his ass. Some attacks are undodgeable too, and some enemies don't have any telegraph (or very little). Playing with any kind of lag makes instantaneous reactions impossible... It's also annoying that dodge is tied to stamina, so you can't dodge a large amount of enemies unless you force their attacks to sync up. A meat tank is required.
- Dodge is faster than walking. Terrible idea! There should at least be a 'run' or 'sprint' that is faster than spamming shift...
- Poor scaling on many stats. +10 power on an item? great, that's like +0.25% damage... +10 crit? that's like 0.03% crit damage. Totally ridiculous. My skill deals 20 damage, so that 50 power gives me .05 bonus damage! At high levels obviously items are going to DOMINATE the game (which is where $$$ comes in). Flat bonuses or caps or less bonus scaling would have been much preferable. Judging from the numbers so far, this is going to be the kind of game where a level 50 deals 600000 damage... Compared to stock DnD, the scaling is ridiculous... Personally I prefer dealing with integers, and preferably small ones.
- Have to have 6 different kits in inventory when playing solo or you will miss things Plus it doesn't look like it's profitable to buy kits at low levels... Kind of a bother

Haven't really encountered many problems. Kind of annoys me that as great as the combat system is, it's still not as good as many action games...
I agree with you that there isn't enough customization. On the other hand, it'd take a bit to add all of the classes/races from all of the handbooks. They've confirmed a few new upcoming races/classes, but I can't seem to find the list atm.

And yeah, there are many bugs, but at least it's in beta.

Archers are dodgeable, you just have to time it right (can be difficult). This is where being a Rogue comes in handy, because you can just go invisible and kill them.
<Spartan094> jcan't into links fck bithse sg mgiet monehy lolololf
Nah dude you can't dodge arrows.
If you dodge before the shot goes off then it just comes out of the archer's ass, as stated above. If you dodge after the arrow has left it is homing. I have dodged behind pillars and walls even and they curve around to hunt you.

It is impossible to dodge arrows, and a lot of other attacks too.
Originally Posted by ImmortalCow View Post
Nah dude you can't dodge arrows.
If you dodge before the shot goes off then it just comes out of the archer's ass, as stated above. If you dodge after the arrow has left it is homing. I have dodged behind pillars and walls even and they curve around to hunt you.

It is impossible to dodge arrows, and a lot of other attacks too.

Dodging doesn't literally mean getting out of its way. In pvp you can dodge the control wizard's freezing beam as a rogue by rolling as it is about to hit you. Same thing applies with arrows.
I've had the arrows literally do 180 degree spins to hit me as I dodge past.

Unless the timing is ridiculous, considering how many ways it isn't possible, I don't think it's possible...
I dodge them all the time. Forget about the 3-dimensional aspect of it. Just use the dodge skill ~half a second before it hits.
but it bends like 90 degrees :I

though these are the arrows from mob archers not bosses or anything.

Could just be lag >_>
This is definitely something I'm going to look into, I'll leave this tab open and start downloading it in 3 hours (when I get out of school)

I might make a Guardian Fighter, just to be different and be the tank that people can ask for in dungeons. Is it anything like WoW in terms of dungeons? (can't seem gameplay right now) Because I played that game for 3 years and had a Max level healer and tank and I quite enjoy the tank role

(Feels good to never die)
I apparently already signed up?.. What?
Ah Champions Online.. omfg.. xD
download from Gamer Shell if you're downloading, all the others are too active
Character name is Soulzi
Display name?.. the one I sign in with is souldevilj
Half Orc - Guardian Fighter (Currently level 4. but obviously changing)
hm.. do you not get to group up in dungeons or something.. because being an MMO I would like it if my role as a tank actually became important.. Might as well be playing rogue if I had to actually form up the party for specific quests.. :L
Fuck Guardian Fighters man, they're boring as hell.
Seriously, don't. this game clearly isn't the sort you choose to tank as since the blocking mechanic requires lots of concentration to use it right, you can't handle doing damage to keep aggro xL

So I made a Control Wizard, Tiefling
Last edited by souldevilj; May 22, 2013 at 09:08 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump