Originally Posted by Juntalis View Post
What they mean to say is that they all decided together that they would pretend to be hacked, spam the forums, and then blame the goons.

Is that really what happened? Because I have a friend in evil that was genuinely concerned he was going to be hacked, so if that was the case everybody must not have been in on it.
Originally Posted by pookie
post your thoughts was thinking about sex. And candy (not combined). And how my new Wushu opener is totally awesome. And then I think I went back to sex.


OH! We're talking about TertyWerty?

Meh, she'll be around on IRC.
Originally Posted by Juntalis View Post
The IP of the account that posted when he was "hacked" was the same as terty's regular IP. What's more, hacking an account would take a couple of years, considering it locks out for 15 mins after 5 I am a furryed login attempts. The only way it would've worked is if every person who got hacked had a backdoor installed on their computer, and somehow the hacker got their IP. I asked terty what got hacked and he said his forum account, not his computer. So obviously, it was all a lie.

It wasn't a lie because I later found out after talking with him that he had external processes running programs on his computer. Which is most likely someone who had gained access to his computer and then ravaged his toribash account through it.

He's not lying. This whole thing is ridiculous.
Ich liebe zu kommen Bauch reibt <3 Kann ich einen bauch haben reiben? :3 Reiben Sie Meinen Bauch. >:D Nao.
<Drakea> My ass can reflect bullets and lazers.
<SokuTofu> My boobs reach the moon
<SokuTofu> OWAIT

Also, why do we keep calling Terty "he"? I thought she already made it clear that she is a girl.

Originally Posted by CMon View Post
Also, why do we keep calling Terty "he"? I thought she already made it clear that she is a girl.


You're p. dumb
All of the nice-guys are leaving while more and more members are becoming assholes and/or complete retards. It won't be long until the community becomes all...4Chan-ish.
Natural selection is a bitch.
>>The Official Guv'na Fan Club<<
o7[OLDA] pride, world wide o7

He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."