Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Current Clan League set up
Ok posting this took a lil longer than intended my bad soz. I've had some family + work stuff come up and it was either I post this now or after I come back from a small trip. So now is now and current set up is as follows.

A long held tradition and staple of Toribash arrives.
Get ready for Clan League 2019!

Last year, Alpha achieved their second title in a row. But after the members decided to go their seperate ways, there's now no obvious name at the top of the leader board.
Which of members will be consistent winners? Who will dealing with regrets?

Rules for participation are as follows:

•Anyone found to be in multiple rosters on alternate accounts will be punished with disqualification from the whole event. This includes being in several accounts in one roster
•Failure to complete matches will result in penalties and/or disqualification from the competition.
•Wars must be done via the Clan War system.
•The replays for the KnockOut Stage will have to be uploaded in the Clan League thread (I'm undecided if I'll say the same for the group stages)

Due to the success of it last year, we're using the same League Qualification into Knockout system.

Within your groups you will fight the opposing clans at least once.
The top NUMBER clans per group will advance to the final stage, except for *whatever number i need to make the KO rounds as even as possible.*
This brings X clans down to Y for the final knockout stage.
The final stage will be a standard single elimination, with a reverse gradient seed (Read as: 1st vs 16th, 2nd vs 15th, 3rd vs 14th and so on.)

The rules for the group phase are as follows:

Rules will go here in time \o/


Group AGroup BGroup CGroup DGroup EGroup FGroup GGroup HGroup I
Group AGroup BGroup CGroup DGroup EGroup FGroup GGroup HGroup I
Group AGroup BGroup CGroup DGroup EGroup FGroup GGroup HGroup I
Group AGroup BGroup CGroup DGroup EGroup FGroup GGroup HGroup I

Challonge Bracket which will be made when needed

•Something mega cool*
•Clan Achievement Trophy
•Shiai Tokens
•Clan EXP

•Shiai Tokens
•Clan EXP

•Shiai Tokens

To qualify for prizes you must have played at least ?? games.

We recommend you use discord to organise your matches, you can find a link to the official toribash server here
Feel free to organise matches in your own servers, or however you see fit.

**This is what is currently in place.**

Some questions i expect to be asked so i'll answer them here are:

1) Yes I know the images are broken, I broke them on purpose cause leaving the old art there would cause misunderstandings and I'm not showing the new art early

2)Yes you will see things that aren't locked or defined as numbers/specific details at the moment, this is on purpose cause I haven't started sign ups so I don't know how many clans will be in it.

If you have any questions/comments, this is the time to put em in writing for me to answer.
Last edited by Icky; May 24, 2019 at 10:44 AM.
Originally Posted by Aeon View Post
We've been using it to get some XP, but never for a real competition.

Alright then, you guys didn't use it for CL.
Originally Posted by Aeon View Post
A bureaucracy is all about enforcing unnecessary things to bring unnecessary officiality.

That's an interesting opinion.
Originally Posted by Aeon View Post
Do you have any proofs on that subject? I took a glimpse at the past thread but found nothing. Instead, I came to conclusion that a lot of clans didn't use it. Anyway, I agree that some people might really want to use it. It's just I don't see any point to enforce it.

If you're looking at the previous CL thread for proof that the war system was used/not used, you're looking in the wrong place. Since it wasn't a requirement, it wouldn't have been mentioned.

Originally Posted by Aeon View Post
Right. The core part is about Clan Wars not dummy automatic system which made too simple to handle such events.

You're saying that the Clan War isn't part of the Clan War system? That's an odd way to look at it. I also have some concerns about its simplicity and potential difficulties being used in an event this big though honestly. Imagine if this was the start date.
Originally Posted by Aeon View Post
Well, if you wanna talk about technical difficulties... Here a few of them:
1) CW locks are usual. They've been reported. Does it fixed?
2) A stepped selector of rounds only have 3 options. Why don't make it flexible?
3) A 24 hour period for a war that going to last a week at least.
4) War info lacks some valuable information (i.e. mods, timestamps of games)
5) You can't specify players that allowed to play.
6) You can't afford to make a lasting war. There could be occasional encounters and warm-up matches which are will be counted as real ones

1) Clan War locks get fixed if you just ask a clan squad person to help you out (Assuming you can't just finish the war)
2) I mean, that should be easy to do, not an issue currently, since I don't actually know what kind of numbers I'll be requesting yet.
3) Yeah. Honestly I was not aware the 24hr limit was there. I either completely forgot about it or I wasn't awake when it got forced in. Last time I looked at it, the length of a war was malleable. Something to look at.
4) True. Luckily that's not required, I'd like it to be possible but it's not a big deal if it's not a thing for CL, since clans will have to log their stuff accurately anyway.
5) You can specify, just enter the players you want to play on the roster at the start. How you restrict your own players is none and has never been any of my concern.
6) Sure you can, it's called self control. If you want to warm up, warm up against your own clan or an ally. Occasional encounters can happen, yeah. That'll be something your clan and users have to deal with and make choices over. I'm aiming to bring back a level of competitiveness that I feel can be lacking in CL. This is one of the steps I think can help.

Originally Posted by Aeon View Post
The rules in OP post doesn't state any of that clearly enough. I personally don't wanna care about what's been said and what's not. The simpler are rules the better they are.

The rules in the OP aren't locked in place and honestly the fact that I haven't put a restriction on things should tell you that it's allowed. Making random assumptions because something isn't spelt out for you (like it wasn't last year) isn't helpful either.
As for your the "simpler are rules the better they are" bit, that's plausible. But simple rules for you guys is a massive pain for the organisers. Delays left and right cause issues me and for other clans too.
I'm making things the way they are as an attempt to make sure that the clan league doesn't run late or cause scheduling issues that can't be solved with something more difficult than "find someone to finish it or you'll deal with the consequences the rules have stated".

Originally Posted by Aeon View Post
The title says "The Clan League" not "Hide'n'Seek".
I'm seeing only extra level of troubles here.

Correct, that has no bearing on anything else though? If you look back at the CLs of past, you'll see plenty of times people have said that X is avoiding our clan, Y is delaying the matches even though we had the chance. I'm just making that allowed. But I'm also tightening the deadline flexibility in turn. I have no interest in whether you do the matches on the first day, or the last day. That's not my responsibility. If a certain clan has members that play hide and seek while they practice and/or learn about how the other clan plays, more power to them.

Originally Posted by Aeon View Post
I've made my points. Many fine clans have been suffered enough this year.
Keep things simple. Keep them the same way as they were before.

You have my responses. Reply at will.

Once again @everyone, comments and questions are welcome.
Last edited by Icky; May 14, 2019 at 10:34 PM.
just an idea,

public polls to determine the best clans in terms of votes
high vote clans have high seeds while low votes have low seeds
high seeds v high seeds low seeds v low seeds to give clans that don't consist of people dominating cl a chance
<[Alpha]Diamond> in short: you count pings, you run, you lick boots
Looks good as always mike.

The most common issue I've seen is most of the time the best clans play each other almost immediately, and then the rest of the clans just get wiped.

Please put the best clans on opposite sides of the bracket x)

i miss you ocean
Originally Posted by Woeb View Post
just an idea,

public polls to determine the best clans in terms of votes
high vote clans have high seeds while low votes have low seeds
high seeds v high seeds low seeds v low seeds to give clans that don't consist of people dominating cl a chance

Hell no boaty mcboatface, we'll be using results from previous leagues to determine seeds.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Originally Posted by Erth View Post
Hell no boaty mcboatface, we'll be using results from previous leagues to determine seeds.

where will clans who didnt participate last year be placed?
Last edited by Divine; May 20, 2019 at 02:08 AM.

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They won't have a seed so go at the bottom, that's how seeds work.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
... so in the case of multiple clans who didn't participate joining would the seeding just be first come, higher seed?

Need help? PM me!
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Originally Posted by Erth View Post
Hell no boaty mcboatface, we'll be using results from previous leagues to determine seeds.

Why, though?