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Clan League 2019
Hello, Clan League season starts soon and there has been some delay behind the scenes. So I've placed it on my "To Do" list.

It's almost the end of April now and 2018 started at the end of July. I'd prefer to have it start in the middle of May (since that gives me time to get things together) but if June or July is prefferable to everyone then that's easy to do.

Here's a link to an anonymous survery so I get some idea of what is generally wanted;
(It's 4 simple questions and a comment box, help me out here ok)

Results of survey are here,
Last edited by Icky; Apr 29, 2019 at 12:11 AM.
Seems like you guys are taking your time and listening to the community which is great.
Only thing I'd personally like is that instead of normal TK which is ofc a great mod, it would be erthTK since its a bit less random.

Other than that, looking forward to this years CL.

the feedback i mostly saw and heard was that it was not liked as a mod for CLs but accepted mainly because it wasn't a absolutely random DM fuckfest like regular judo, but was still a fairly large clusterfuck, which isn't optimal for what 99% of people want Clan League to be.
Originally Posted by USB View Post
My personal recomendation would be simple.

Any clan catched on alts, logining under others teammate profiles etc:
1. Disqualified and all members would be disqualified from any furthers CLs
2. Clan should be immediatly shut down WITHOUT right to revive it later.

At this point clan would think twice of their activity and ability to go through whole CL instead of just randomly entering such a massive event.

Both of these are extremely harsh and potentially long term. I'm considering black listing them from the whole of the current event if I find sharing or multiple alts, but those other two bits are just... too extreme for me to consider.

Originally Posted by USB View Post
Next, about rosters. Make a deadline for entering into a clan etc. for example 7th of may. After that day we save rosters of all clans. And if it happens that someones tries to participate in clan league and wasn't on a roaster before 7th of May, then clan gets disqualified and penalized.

This kind of happens already, Clan rosters would get locked, sometimes the day before, sometimes a week before, depends on who ran it. I personally prefer having locked rosters for at least a week or two before.

I am currently wondering how I should run it. I have an idea but I'm still deciding on it.

Originally Posted by USB View Post
Also about Instagib modes they just shouldn't be on mod pool, because they are just nonsense .

I've addressed this in other posts.
if there's no boxshu mushu i riot.....

also judofrac is a fairly decent mod
pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
If people are confident that the better player usually wins in judofrac I'm sure it can make an appearance, from my own understanding and experience I've done well in past leagues in judofrac *purely on the randomness* of the mod so I for one am hesitant with judofrac being included
Last edited by lillian; Apr 26, 2019 at 07:42 PM.
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
can u guys add popular mods and make a poll
pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
Polls take time to make, gather responses, consider responses, evaluate on here. Honestly the fact judofrac took so long to be brought up at all is probably a sign its not really a good inclusion if its not actually needed.