Hycx add to first post.
We arent looking for students yet.
We are looking for Beta testers.
Students can apply now IN PM but they maybe not be accepted until closer to the time we need them
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard
@ Pwnage102: I would mind being one of the beta testers, though when I test mods I have high expectations.

These are the things I look for

1.Color coordination - How the color of the enviroment appeals to the player
2. Architectural layout - Over all design of the enviroment
3. Structure design - How effecient the object structure ( weapons ,chains ,skateboard, ect)
4. Object modification - How the object has been modified to suit the senario of the mod
5. Realism

Do you have any thoughts on what setting they will take place in ?
Mod will be made in WIPs then we will develop to look good.
Colours, addition of scenary.

As i said, hycx is designer but we would welcome your input.
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard