February 2017

Ok so we all know this was the shortest month of the year;nothing happens in this time right? WRONG the superbowl had to be one of the most memorable moments in February in this month as of matter of fact the whole history of the NFL. it shocked me so badly that it was funny how it turned out. I got sick for a long time and I got better by the last day of the month conveniences? beneficial? no. some upper class Senior was running his mouth about his project being great and all that jazz, he called me out and I gave a lecture about respect and what does it mean? everyone looked at their written report when they weren't suppose to. -_- (and I'm full of myself pffftt posers.)Watched Fist was good but wasn't the funniest thing I seen this year...still waiting though. There was this one bus driver we had coming home that had a flat tire or just a jolt coming out of the wheel of the bus so we had to sit there for about 2 and a half hours I wasn't really pissed of at the driver but I was pissed of at how the other people kept harassing him about going to other stops so I was assertive nah.....I was aggressive fuck that shit.manipulation replays from me will come soon I just have to learn from scratch all over again and that will be it for making replays for me....I would love to do some collaborative stuff we others but nobodys wants to.....B-Day is coming soon so it's numbered...can't wait to tell it.....
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719