Lmao, congratulations on getting the same personality as Britney Spears, new Britney spears. But ma man Micheal is right there!
Hello I am The Debater (ENTP)

I like explaining in long, thought-out paragraphs why I think you are wrong and then taking a walk to bask in my glorious ability to make a point on the internet.

But don't worry, if you make talking to you a chore I'll probably just stop because I think talking to you is now hard work and I hate work.
I think I might be retired.

i also got entrepreneur when i first did this a while back but i got campaigner twice in a row now
Shout outs to my stank homies D squaaaa ecigga
Yeah for some reason the result changes every one or two months (depending on the person ofcourse), or at least that's my case.

Ayy we have the same personality Sparky
you guys are weird

you actually have feelings and sympathy for others
unlike me lol