Are you someone's alt?

Watched every replay - was not disappointed.
Your movement really comes to me as something fresh.

Some unorthodox hits here and there. A remarkable flow. A good sense of speed and pauses. A realistic looking form with a twist of movements that aren't obvious.

What pleases me the most is that you don't look like a variant from someone else, but someone with a distinct style.

My advice might seem a bit counter-productive, but if I were you I'd refrain from watching a lot (or any) replays made by other people and proceed into making as many replays as I could.
That might help you keep your style distinct and hook you to it in a way that you'll be less influenced by other people when you watch their work in the future.
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.
Way to good for a yellow belt.

Now the Cnc. I really like your flow and the ideas you have. The movement you have is almost perfected in fluidness. The opening sequences are good.

Do you Spar?
because, i want you!

Stay tuned
Thank you Oblivion and Chazer! Since I don't feel like seeing this on the second page quite yet, I'm going to bump this one last time. I have a new replay cooking up, and should be here by the next day or so.

I'd be happy to spar you whenever Chazer, though I am pretty rusty at mp. Thanks again, guys.
I came here to laugh at you
I really liked the manipulation replay, the decap was pretty smooth and something about it was different. I can't really put my finger on it but it just feels different to other manipulation replays.
Last edited by Diatie; Apr 26, 2013 at 08:05 AM.
Thanks again, here you go.

Actually nevermind I've decided to cut that part out since it's so bad apparently.
Attached Files
Antler - All the Flowers.rpl (170.8 KB, 38 views)
Last edited by Antleronio; Apr 28, 2013 at 05:11 AM.
I came here to laugh at you
I love those spins you did in the opener and the kick was good as well. The only problem was the where you moved after you posed, it seemed a pit abrupt.
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
Flow throughout the replay was great, I liked how you managed to keep the spin going, though I think you could have done more at about frame 430 to make it look more natural. Jump and spin was great, but the kick could have been better aimed, it looked a little messy. The boom was nice and powerful, and the pose was good... until you jerked back to get Uke's part off your back. Would have been nicer if you just stayed in the pose.
I do some videos
Feel free to PM me for any video-related questions
Them spins. I love it, especially the second one. The kick didn't look that clean, but it certainly looked good. The boom however, looks pretty darn messy. I happen to like the throw you did afterwards, though I feel that it would've been better if you made that as a pose, rather than moving your arm.
Now that was a nice kick.
Smooth, very smooth, though there were a few twitches.
Pose was awesome.
Punch or kick can't really tell was also very nice.