Mar 18, 2016 i guess i don't really know i remember my first clan command
On and off from late 2006, I rarely play but it's still a fun game to muck around on.
I'm not very active on Toribash but still love to play from time to time, this game is great!
Started 5 years ago, left for about a year. Came back and been around ever since off and on. I get the motivation to play for a couple days and it burns me out and I quit for another couple months
i think 2012? i had another account named nurl then made this one in 2014. been thinking about getting back into the game recently
joined 2014. played comp till 2015. did ukebash in 2016. stopped playing for 3 years, came back a month ago and now im tricking and sparring semi mediocrely.
oh my god why am i so sexy !?
glancing through the smog in my deadtime
I started in like 2009, been playing this game not on regulary basis
years off years on, its exiting as always
Enjoint life
2013, then discovered forums in 2014. took a 2 year break in 2016. came back 2018 and played a bit, went off the grid.

came back 1/2 weeks ago.
static | toad (ormo) max | haku
I’ve taken a few breaks here and there, but I started playing around 2008ish. I Didn’t know what a forum was until a few years later. It’s funny to think that it was over 10 years go, time really flies.
If only everyone could be as sexy as me