Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by ImmortalCow View Post
It's best to play with friends and not to play too much at one time, otherwise you will get sick of any game.

All my friends are cheap bastards that have beter things to do than play games. (Like what?) And I only played 1 or 2 games of SCII-WoL per day.
Originally Posted by ImmortalCow View Post
Find friends who play SC2 then. I sometimes play with Echo and Salty ^^

I suck to much at it anyways. I hear protoss is great for HotS. To bad I dont have beta acces.
Couldn't win with terran so I play Zerg, now I win everything. I played Random in WoL, so easy transition. TvP is impossible for terran, I do my best and end up getting destroyed by bullshit abilities like time-warp and oracle harrass. Also that giant cannon on top of the base makes drops so much less effective. How can I beat this shit? I have no idea.

Zerg is easy win tho, because you can just use your WoL playstyle.
Zerg game-play is the same? Disappointing but I kinda doubt it. From what I've seen you have to aim for 40 minute games, where is WoL zerg games aimed for the 15 minute mark (in ladder, obviously in tourneys if they missed that mark then they are off to the bl/inf build).

Maybe try dropping at other locations or further away from the basecannon? Eg dropping 6 range behind mineral line, or going for pylon snipes or tech snipes or going for an expo.

Counter oracle harass with missile turrets? Once you scout the tech just drop a turret - or two at each mineral line and it should be fine.

What's your average game time for zerg against the other three? Is standard zerg still 11 minute roaches off 3 base? I keep rolling this build blind on ladder (scouting at 6 minutes, so not completely blind) and I rock up against 5 mutalisks, or a handful of hellions and MMM, or a handful of stalkers (or dts...). It seems people in plat are just lazy... in WoL T open hellions vs Z, Z opens 14 pool to mutas () and P just play their usual stalker/sentry/coli or one of their many many cheeses. Are you using roach max? Interested as to how it does vs widow mines and MS core
I play pretty reactionary, if I don't see anything special from T I just go roach/infestor. If T makes a lot of air I mix in some hydras, and lategame I try to incoperate vipers to deal with the massive amount of tanks, but I haven't really been that successful using vipers so far.

Against protoss I go Roach hydra ling after fast 3 expo if toss doesn't have air I can replace hydra with infestor.

against Zerg I play like in WoL, lings until roaches then mixing in some hydra infestor. I haven't decided if I want to go swarm hosts or broodlords yet lategame tho.

Ofc its not completely the same, but being in plat I don't really reach lategame that often so.. I never get that far in the tech tree anyways.
> Kerrigan wielding a psi blade

They had better make Kerrigan as strong as she should be. I'll be annoyed if she can't hold her own against 50 supply of marines.