Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Name: Playaj
Rank: Blue Belt
How long have you been playing: 3 weeks
Are u good: I have been requested by a few clans but i declined cause i wasnt ready.. so that must mean something...
Activeness: I am on almost everyday, i try to improve my skillz as much as possible.
Thnx for the opportunty
Name:toabytooby Rank:3890 i think How long have i been playing:2 months Are you good: i would have to say im pretty good i beat a 10th deg before Activeness:I play almost every day,i improving every day so ill get to black belt pretty soon i have about 190 games to black belt... PLZ pm me or message me back ill get you a replay of my best game so i hope ill get in
im black belt (really close to second dan black belt) and like my fave mods are:

-and instagib feet

it would be pretty cool to join the clan though.
90% of teens today would die if Myspace had a system failure and was completely destroyed. If you are one of the 10% that would be laughing, copy and paste this to your signature.

belt:brown belt
want to join cuz:I love the smooth clan and I think this clan iz really good and i dont have so many friends
active in forum:littlebit
active in game:yes
Member [o]f Incognito