Endurance Onslaught 6.0
How much did you pay for that? Hehe.
Whats the channel and what time?
"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD
i didnt pay anything they asked my mate if hes keen to do a show and he asked me if i wanted to partner up with him so yeah im still deciding wheter i want to or not
You should.
Then video the whole thing and give it to me. Hehe.
I wanna see some hardout radio stuffs.
"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD
I can't stream stuff easily online.
It just doesn't work well for me.
Even the toriradio I had problems with.
"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD
I got it working now.
Just used iTunes.
I'm on my iPod ATM, so I am sorry if this post is short.
"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD
Bas ass?
Typing fail? Hehe.

I like the look of it. May go to see it sometime.
"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD