Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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[GM]Survey results

Hello, my dear players! Thank you very much for filling our survey. We've got 487 responses, which is a pretty good result. The time has come to show you some statistics and comment on the whole thing.

Basic information
If I were to sum up the whole survey in one sentence, I'd say - We're doing a good job, although there are still things we could improve.
Our average result from scale questions is 3,36. We consider 5, 4 and 3 to be 'passing' grades, while 2, 1 and 0 are fails. So in general, we passed.
It is also important to know who voted and what are general tendencies.
Most of the votes - 54% - came from people, who play Toribash for more than one year and less than four years. Average result in that group is 3,29.
33% of votes came from people, who play Toribash for more than four years. Average result in that group is 3.55.
11% of votes came from people, who play Toribash for less than a year. Average result in that group is 3.74.
2% of players wrote an inappropriate information regarding their toribash career.
As you can see, 'the youngest' players voted the highest, which isn't surprising. The most harsh votes came from the the largest demographic, which probably consists of the most active players. The 'older' players were a bit more kind. We appreciate all of the votes.

Few words about the questions

What are the responsibilites of GM team?

Rate the accessibility of GM Team members

How helpful are members of GM Team?

Rate the number of in-game events the team hosts per week

Rate the number of forum events the team hosts in general

How entertaining are our in-game events?

How entertaining are our forum events?

Rate the prizes that GM Team gives out for in-game events

Rate the prizes that GM Team gives out for forum events

What kind of in-games events would you like to see more of?

What kind of forum events would you like to see more of?

Popularity poll
Questions about your favourite and least favourite GMs were not necessary to answer but we still got a lot of votes there. Are you excited to know the results? Here they come.

Votes for favourite GMs

Votes for least favourite GMs

This survey did not include trial GMs.
It looks like Jtank and Cheshyre are yours favourite. The difference between another four GMs (Powas, Ryan, TheCobra, Scorpio) that come after them are pretty small, less than 10 votes.
The least favourite GM title goes to Ryan, who 'won' with a huge advantage. As Ryan also had a fair amount of positive votes, it looks like most of you have a really strong opinion about him - you either 'love' him or 'hate' him.
Cheshyre situation's similar. By comparing those two graphs, we could say that, in general, Jtank is 'the best' GM, as he got a lot of positive votes and the least amount of negative ones.

Additional comments
Special thanks go to people, who write something in open questions. Some of those ideas for events are pretty good, we'll make sure to use them.

As for your comments, it is impossible to address all of them but be sure that we read every single one. That said, you can find some of them below, especially those that included some misconceptions.

Originally Posted by suggestion #1
I understand that at one point there was an event related to zombies with physical in-game changes. I currently have no ideas however seeing something interesting like this, rather than the repetitive and rather uninteresting knockout tourneys and forum events that interest few people. I believe that due to this many players are here for the forum rather than the game. If interesting events were to happen many more people would be much more interested in playing and sticking with the game. I understand Gm's are working for free however maybe a tc payment to work a bit harder with coders and creative people would be a very nice change.

We wanted to use the formentioned zombie system for hallowen month but due to some technical issues it was impossible. What's more, we don't have a direct access to said system, however, you can be sure that it will comeback someday, for one of our events.

Originally Posted by suggestion #2
I would like to see tournaments that have different belt restrictions so like white belt to black belt, 2nd dan to 5th dan, 6th dan to 9th dan and 10th dan to god belt(or whatever).

We tried to implement that kind of system for autotourneys but there are some serious issues with it and it needs to be reworked.
As for GMTourneys, we don't host belt restricted tourneys and we don't plan to change that.

Originally Posted by opinion #1
I'd definitely like to see some old GMs like LD (Liquidoom) and Samopal rehired, Leb3ast and NotShadow are pretty good but if somebody came back from 2012 or 2011, they would have no idea who these GMS are. Who and who you don't hire is not for me to say but i'd definitely like to see more older and influential members become staff

Fortunately (or unfortunately, depends on your point of view), we do not hire people based on their join date, it is not important. 'Older' players tend to be more experienced and knowledgeable but there is nothing you can't learn given you have your head in right place and you are eager enough. Quality of your application and skills that you have determine if you'll get a chance or not. That said, if you take a look at the current team, you'll notice that we have more of 'older' players in there than 'young wolves' like leb or wizard. If you are from 2011/2012 era, I can understand your confusion, the only GMs that still remain in the team from that time are Ryan (Stellar) and me (Powas). People come and go, some resign themselves, some go inactive and get removed. Nothing can be done about that.

Originally Posted by opinion #2
I don't understand why GM's give out Useless Post warnings / infractions so easily. I feel like it should be a little harder to get one of those.

It looks like you are a bit confused. Gamemasters don't give out any post infractions or warnings, that's Supermoderators' (or Market Squad members, if you break market rules) job. If anything, you'll sometimes get a profile warning from a GM, however those are in-game related (f.ex. you can get a profile warning for multiclienting in an official server).
If you receive a lot of warnings and infractions for useless posts, I would advise you to read rules of the board in which you are posting carefully.

Originally Posted by opinion #3
You have all resources to do cool entertaiment. You have 12 (!!!) people, GM art team, why can't you just work together and do your best. I mean if everyone throw 1 idea per month, you'll have 12 events in 30 days. I know you may say you're busy with police stuff, but it's pretty covered by smods and squids. Yeah, I'm not saying you are not needed, I'm just saying putting all forces to it is useless, while you have other work to do.

Smods, Market squad members and Gamemasters are different groups, each with different responsibilities. We work together on some cases but, in general, we stick to our areas of expertise (check spoiler with first question in this thread, it'll give you basic information about what GMs are doing).
As for those '12 events' - we pretty much do that. Right now we have more than 10 event propositions ready to host (or mostly ready) - the point, however, is not to release all of them at once, but to do it gradually, so there is always something 'live'. We need to adjust number of events to number of players playing this game.

Originally Posted by opinion #4
⊂_ヽ GM's are:
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We agree.

Feel free to comment those results and add your own interpetation of the data we acquired.


Last edited by Powas; Mar 1, 2015 at 05:00 PM.
Originally Posted by JayXManHD View Post
After seeing my dad get voted for least favourite GM... I turn away. I still love you dad.

Who the hell are you and why are you talking to my husband.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
For those who regarded me as worst GM, consider PM'ing me about what you feel I'm doing wrong. I'd be very interested in knowing what I overlooked.

And thanks for taking the survey fellas, Ryan deserves more love.
This was a really great project guys. Executed perfectly with full transparency.
Thumbs up for this!

PS: Ryan's not that bad peeps yo.

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Surprised at some of these results, such as "Rate the prizes that GM Team gives out for forum events" 4 and 5s? Seriously?
I thought the majority of people who enter these events think the prizes are bad. Turns out I am wrong
Nuuuuuu I wan't cheshyre to be the most voted GM!!! and thats an order :3
anyway congrats ryan
I never forget.
Originally Posted by pusga View Post

really? i thought hating ryan was just a meme.

It is a meme. He's not that bad, but we still shit on him anyway.

fuck you stellar
teach me how to league
Erth best GM

Also Ryan's good. GM's are one of the heaviest workloads, and running them is a massive challenge. Having worked with him I can confirm Ryan as not a shittard and is good at some things.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.