Nah it's all good, and I don't even want to talk about that topic, it's over and done with. Let's keep it that way. Infinity, have you recruited anyone?
Nope, haven't seen good clanless members. Maybe going to try it today again, but I don't really have much time at the moment because it's summer and I'm often going out with friends.

Our new tag is (B), the clanmods changed it.

Also I found a couple mistakes in our main page. Going to correct them later if it's not a problem.
Last edited by Beat; Jul 5, 2014 at 01:45 PM.
That's a bummer and after a 8 hour wait we finally got (B). Sure, correct whatever mistakes you need to, I will check the page for any mistakes right now. I think most of them are in the story, I will double check to make sure.
Last edited by BuZe; Jul 5, 2014 at 04:43 PM.
Hey people's who are reading this, I am going away for the weekend, and I cannot bring my computer with me, so any decisions I would've had to made lay in the hands of Infinity just for the weekend. I'll be back on Monday. Good luck on recruiting, and cya guys on Monday!
Buze | Infinity | Orbus
Cya Dred, don't party too hard! I am going to be doing recruitment today if you want to help out Infinity I will be in /jo Bliss. Most likely not going to find a good member, but we might get lucky and find one, who knows.
Heyo there.
I am the guy who helped out with the IRC and got interviewed for the app process seeing as my application (If I would write one) would burn your eyes ou with badness.

Hopefully I can post here, if not, just tell me, I will stop.
Sure, you can post around here, get to know us and hang around in the IRC, I am almost always in there, I am in there atm, so if you want to talk to me and stuff I am there for you. If you keep posting around here, we will discuss and see if you will become a Bliss member or nah, just remember to stay active, and really get to know us.
And Guess what? i'm BACK into toribash and so far I'm geting my skills back and I'm going to be our TB streamer so your very welcome!
Welcome to the clan Yojakeo, I hope you'll like it here.

Going to look for a few members now, maybe I'll start a recruitment server.

Buze, can I just edit our thread ( mistakes and small changes ) or should I send you a pm with the mistakes ?

Just donated 6129 TC, we have 25k now

Also we are an active clan now, should start a war soon.
Last edited by Beat; Jul 6, 2014 at 10:05 AM.