Originally Posted by azzeffir23 View Post
Damn tyler i knew for a long time that you were among the best artists in this this community and i knew what amazing art you did in the past, but now like damn you like my top 5 or even nr 1.

Haha thanks I'm just sad to see all those great artists leaving tb :S

Originally Posted by The7thVoid
That set is insane..Going to be another tb classic.

Thanks man this really means a lot to me

Dayum guys ! I didn't think that set would've made this much of an impact, but yeah I am proud of this set ^^ and it was hell of a work to finish it
0118 999 881 999 119 725 3
Cool style, I love it, you did a good work on it. If you take a closer look at your absolution set the line art is a bit messy but on a distance whole picture looks fine, nice colors.
I won't critique other things I see on the Absolution set because your latest work looks much cleaner and pleasant even tho the Absolution is not a bad set at all so I can see you've upgraded. The only thing I would like to share with you, if you don't mind, is I came up to the conclusion, that because of these stupid mapping specifics, I mean that you supposed to draw a rectangular texture for a square surface, it's better to draw it in square and transform it into a rectangle in Photoshop with proper transformation setting that allows you to not lose that much of a quality as ingame system does when it compresses the texture. Same as you do on feet, right? I may be wrong and you do it that way, I just can't take a closer look on hands from your latest set.
And you did it lazy on top of your absolution head texture. You know this dumb sphere distorts the texture all the time, I don't know why they made it like that but it is, it makes your straight lines curvy when you do something like a tomahawk haircut. There is a way to actually minimize this effect by distorting it by yourself.
I don't like the mapping you did on hands, it's old-school boring in my opinion and I don't get this thumb's anatomy, looks off on both sets.
However, those are nice sets and you definitely feel the color.
I updated the original post with the toribashtextures preview for both sets. Feel free to give them a closer look (even though toribashtextures screwed up my left pec and the side mapping for the chest!)

Originally Posted by Hug View Post
Cool style, I love it, you did a good work on it. If you take a closer look at your absolution set the line art is a bit messy but on a distance whole picture looks fine, nice colors.
I won't critique other things I see on the Absolution set because your latest work looks much cleaner and pleasant even tho the Absolution is not a bad set at all so I can see you've upgraded.

Thank you for the nice feedback Hug !
Yeah I know the lines are a bit messy, but as you say, on a distance it looks fine, I often did these messy rough scratches in my sets to give the illusion of detail. I got a bit tired of this though, can't remember the last set I did without scratches everywhere, so I thought I'd shake things up with the War set, which in retrospective was a good choice

Originally Posted by Hug View Post
The only thing I would like to share with you, if you don't mind, is I came up to the conclusion, that because of these stupid mapping specifics, I mean that you supposed to draw a rectangular texture for a square surface, it's better to draw it in square and transform it into a rectangle in Photoshop with proper transformation setting that allows you to not lose that much of a quality as ingame system does when it compresses the texture. Same as you do on feet, right? I may be wrong and you do it that way, I just can't take a closer look on hands from your latest set.

This sqare, rectangle issue is something that I had troubles with for years now. and yet this unfortunately can't be changed anymore, I think Hampa just didn't think this was much of an issue back then and now that there are millions of textures, it sadly can't be changed anymore.
When I added the War set, I briefly mentioned how I drew the torso on an ingame screenshot before starting to draw it on the actual texture. That's what I did with the hand as well. It's in a way like you said, drawing it sqare and then stretching it, but with the advantage that I could see it ingame while drawing it. I agree that the perspective loses you some detail, but as I used it as a base to draw on, this was a live saver for me. I haven't tried using a square texture as a base, but I could imagine, having fine curved/angled lines could lose a bit of detail when stretching right? but I might give it a try somewhen, thanks for the suggestion
To give you more of an idea to what I did, I recorded this small gif:

Originally Posted by Hug View Post
And you did it lazy on top of your absolution head texture. You know this dumb sphere distorts the texture all the time, I don't know why they made it like that but it is, it makes your straight lines curvy when you do something like a tomahawk haircut. There is a way to actually minimize this effect by distorting it by yourself.

Totally agree ^^ upon closer inspection of my recent heads, I most often try to avoid the very top of the head ^^. It's just annoying to work with and to be honest, in a way not really worth it.
If I were to only go and make a head, yeah sure, I'll add some artificial detail to show I spent a lot of time on the head, which only fellow artists will even notice in most cases. But as for a set, I most often couldn't care less about this small part of the top head. I often get close to the top, (as I did with the war head) but rarely use the very top in a detailed fashion.

Originally Posted by Hug View Post
I don't like the mapping you did on hands, it's old-school boring in my opinion and I don't get this thumb's anatomy, looks off on both sets.
However, those are nice sets and you definitely feel the color.

Sadly I have to agree... I'm not good with hands, never was. I think I got a good mapping for the fingers (thumb not included) but it's the same hands you see in 2010 sets. It's a very tricky part of the set.
For example on the war set I spent 10+h on the right hand, and noticed it wasn't going anywhere. So I drew the overpaint (see in the gif above) and stuck with it. I think it turned out fitting for the whole picture of the set, so I'm not embarrased of it, but I desperately need some more research on hand textures for sure!

Also as apparent in maybe my last 10sets or so, I am not good with color. If I look at sets I admire, like aveance ones or basically every texture from Jebus, Jusmi and ferrock, I could never do those in terms of color. I basically always stuck with tones of grey, with one exception being my golden set "demonic" which is basically black and white turned yellow . I really want to do a colorful set somewhere in the future.
Last edited by tyler112; Mar 20, 2021 at 11:24 AM.
0118 999 881 999 119 725 3
Originally Posted by tyler112 View Post

Sadly I have to agree... I'm not good with hands, never was. I think I got a good mapping for the fingers (thumb not included) but it's the same hands you see in 2010 sets. It's a very tricky part of the set.
For example on the war set I spent 10+h on the right hand, and noticed it wasn't going anywhere. So I drew the overpaint (see in the gif above) and stuck with it. I think it turned out fitting for the whole picture of the set, so I'm not embarrased of it, but I desperately need some more research on hand textures for sure!

Check out my take on hand mapping

It's not like I believe it's the best and the only proper way to make them but maybe it can give you an idea for the future.
I also used a technique on this which I told you about. I also work on a 2048px canvas, it helps me to save the quality when I transform it. The reason your thumb looks off to me is because it's missplaced.

For example my knuckle looks like that whilst yours looks something like that, honestly I can't even place my thumb like that

I like the shading you did on that thumb, honestly, I like its geometric.
Ahhh I've seen those hands ! and they deserve every credit they got.
But I think other than sideways hands or the hands you've shown, there hasn't been much improvement or innovation to them right?
Of the top of my head I can't think of any other hand textures (which represent hands) I've seen which were much different, please prove me wrong..
Maybe if I feel like it, I'll take some time to figure out new ways for hands.
Thanks for the hand reference
I should definitely opt my hand game ^^
I basically always copy the same mistakes from previous sets.
0118 999 881 999 119 725 3
Yea I mean I tried to ignore the fact it has a fiking cubic hand and played around the shape but other than that yea it's not much of an improvement but I rarely see something except a knuckle facing down or forward. I won't act as an innovator, there's nothing innovative in it I'm pretty sure someone did it before I just shared the idea with you so your mind may produce something else that's out of a box, or maybe it's not and that's fine also. I'm sure this is not the key factor of a good hand texture, just a spice.
The old way of doing hands I learned was using this kind of template:


Your way of doing it in a cube preview works so far for sketching ideas and having a better look at how things map out, but for refining it's way easier to do it in a square fashion.