Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
I went to Christian Brothers' College (CBC, some of you might know it? they have alot of schools around the world.) Parklands in South Africa.
it opened up here in 2003, the year i went to High School (grd8 ).
There was 21 people in my class, and at the time, we were the only class in the highschool.
We were always the highest grade, with classes filling in as we moved up through the years.
In the end there was 6 guys and 17 girls, and had the same class for 5 years, so by the end of that, you can imagine, a classfull of girls gets on your nerves...

Naturally having a small grade meant sports were limited, we played hockey in the winter and cricket in the summer, untill we started including the lower grades into our teams, at which time we put together a sevens rugby side and joined the local league.
I was 65kg's and 180cm tall, and i was the biggest and heaviest guy on the team at one stage, lol...

We had a pretty distinct uniform: The girls had one piece dresses that were pretty lame and we had a striped blue green and gold blazer and tie, we had to wear the ties all year long... gets a bit uncomfortable in summer.

We also had the most intimidating Headmaster in the world. 60 years old, 195cm tall, always perfectly dressed in his suit, bald except for the side of his head, which was always well groomed, a different woman to every event we had and the largest voice (yes, his voice was large) i have ever heard.
he was usually enough incentive to keep out of trouble :S

The highschool Principal was our teacher from grd8, she stopped teaching us in grd 11, and died of cancer just befor our final exams. Bummer right?

Was also a catholic based school, so we had to go to mass every now and then, but otherwise its pretty normal.

Did they teach creationism or evolution?
Most of the kids at my school are lower-middle class. A bit of drug use a couple years ago but now we get our bags searched at random so it has pretty much stopped (in school at least.) The school is about 45% Hmong/Other Asian, 40% Blacks, 13% whites, and 2% other. There are a lot of "Gangstas" but there hasn't been any gang violence for a while. Maybe since there's 3-5 police officers in the school usually, and they really like the pepper-spray. Semi-frequent fights, maybe 1-3 a month. The teachers that I have are pretty decent but some aren't so great. Now that I think about it, my school is better off this year than it was the last couple of years. About 20% of the students are complete idiots, 65% being pretty average, and about 15% are pretty smart. All this and it's still in the top 10% of high schools in America (iirc) from some list (which I can't remember.)
My school is pretty normal, but some stupid shit happens sometimes...

Once before I came to this school, Someone pulled out a knife from his bag and the whole school went into lockdown. (Heaps of people told me because they were there)

Lockdown: Everyone stay inside, Lock doors, Close windows and blinds and Stay out of view, Going under tables and chairs.

And last year, when I was here.. The whole school got evacuated and a bomb squad came because there was a call from someone saying there was a bomb near the school.
It turned out to be a prank...

The latest thing is a couple of kids fighting and some idiot putting it on youtube..Now it was on the news and heaps of people got in trouble.
Here is the vid..

Dose is dead.
My school is VERY strict, or was, because I graduated last year. You could get punished for anything, even getting a suspension because you make an error while paying the cafeteria (happened to my friend)
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