Except the 0.1% of population who doesnt need to work since they are rich..

but i think nobody here in toribash gets into this lil group

actually esport players could live from gaming
Originally Posted by GasIt View Post
Except the 0.1% of population who doesnt need to work since they are rich..

but i think nobody here in toribash gets into this lil group

actually esport players could live from gaming

even considering the ideal circumstances, without taking into account of what 0,000 % of gamers are actualy able to enter competative circuit atleast on regional level, meaning official tournamets, which is already extremely unlikely, this is not a valuable or long career path. wow! but you guys, you are totally different and special and you are totally going to be new MLG champions, be rich and play on tourneys untill you are 50 and don't need to work anymore, yeah, lol

i generally avoid posting on threads where schoolboys and studs are going their usual routine of "gunna b suksessfu" "cn b cumpitatif wun rech moneyz" "suksh a bisnuzmahn" "much buzy" and other shit, but i strongly advice to anybody who still have and misconceptions and fantasies of their future life, to get employed full time just about anywhere for a few months. Seriously.

getting quite tired to read same old bravado from children, but then again, may be i'm too old even be around and give a fuck, yet i'm still coming back.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Originally Posted by Emile001 View Post
Becaus eof school and boring homeworks.
And because I suck hard

I understand you, I was living with kids in middle and high in Latvia as well. Such a waste, Latvian style.

Originally Posted by Ezeth View Post
Depends if you define success by having a great career, being good at a skill or having a great body. If your life goal is to play toribash studying won't help you with that.

I'm fucking immature 20 year old who has some success in variety of shit but is too distracted to make any real decisions, cause I'm way too basically shocked / killed by not having a gf ever so I cry daily.

My goal life for next, let's say, 5 years would be a mix of the upper ones. There's no career in Toribash. The most brilliant multi-account duelist-artist-marketeer in Toribash (imaginary person) would make $1000 a month, Tops as a pro gamer. That's not a lot. Actual ingame heroes like killer3366 made about I dunno $200 a month for part time Toribash, same with best marketeers and artists. Ok maybe I dunno some dude made $300 one month, but it's still pretty bad regarding the difficulty to excel in TB.

Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
I'm Polish. I use this as a excuse for everything. Here, have some examples:

"Why did you hit him?" I'm Polish

"Why did you not take out the trash?" I'm Polish

"Why are you making stupid examples for a simple concept?" I'm Polish

By far my favorite one: "Why are you Polish?" I'm Polish

It's kinda fun, so yeah. I'm not Polish, gotta make other excuses.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
In the long run? What are you imagining? "Well you had a heart attack but since you spent so long studying we will give you a few more years to live"..?

Personal growth? I'm not sure why you think personal growth necessarily cannot be fun... But I think you are wrong. Someone who leads 120 man raids, clans of a few thousand members or has extremely technical ability has clearly had some personal growth. It would be very hard to play team games if you are not self aware.

Don't get sucked into "the meaning of life is to work for a few decades then retire". Do what you want to do.

I don't wanna work, I wanna live. I wanna make a career as a rogue, a freelancer, perhaps, an owner of a rather successful startup, hopefully... some day. For that, I need hours put into progress. I need skills, knowledge and being used to what I preach to cover my back. I can't do it, if I can't be reliable to myself to really do it.

Originally Posted by WeppetKo View Post
I don't play much, i just like the community of this game. Excuse? Learn a better English.

Cool. Tho', it might not be the best way to learn English. See, I've been on forums for years, I get like 8-9 in school, I haven't really improved. Mostly, because I don't try to improve my English. I write with like so little effort, I'm being degenerative on forums. c:

Originally Posted by snake View Post
gaming is a hobby to waste spare time on. considering what you are saying you are eather still in school or in uni, and never been employed full time, and probably think that once you graduate you will instantly get a job you like with great paycheck, awesome career, and other things we all were thinking when we were younger, and right now you are trying to pretend to look "too cool and busy to play videogames", on a gaming forum populated by gamers, well then...

don't worry, you will get a job sooner or later so you will get used to getting back home after 8 +1 hours of routine and 2 hours on road tired and squeezed like a lemon. also 8 hours to sleep, otherwise you will be broken and not productive at work, so here you have it. 5 hours total besides sleeping and work, then -1 hour for lunch and dinner, so you have 4 hours of free time in total, half of which you are tired and wasted after long stressfull work and road, which you can not help. wow!

work will have a toll on everyone in a mean time.
later you will get a wife and children, so say bye to your free time and welcome a cycle called adult life, when years will start to fly and you will feel like you are standing in awe, thinking: "how the hell did it happened to me?"

and no, if you think you are special and it's going to be different, and yada yada - nope.

enjoy things you enjoy while you still can. because later you would not have time for it.

Man thx for the fat paragraph(s). Yeah, I'm going nowhere, you're bloody right. I might end up getting a full time job just to make the $, like the rest of people. It's rly sad about getting a wife, tho. I mean, I fail miserably to get a gf and then to get a wife and kids later on when I'm slightly less attractive and just richer on basis of working harder for years, sounds pretty bad deal, shitty actually

Originally Posted by GasIt View Post
Except the 0.1% of population who doesnt need to work since they are rich..

but i think nobody here in toribash gets into this lil group

actually esport players could live from gaming

Most e-sports players don't earn that much. Even Dendi, who won the 20-something Internationals, now he doesn't earn so much in prize money because he and his team loses too often

Originally Posted by snake View Post
even considering the ideal circumstances, without taking into account of what 0,000 % of gamers are actualy able to enter competative circuit atleast on regional level, meaning official tournamets, which is already extremely unlikely, this is not a valuable or long career path. wow! but you guys, you are totally different and special and you are totally going to be new MLG champions, be rich and play on tourneys untill you are 50 and don't need to work anymore, yeah, lol

i generally avoid posting on threads where schoolboys and studs are going their usual routine of "gunna b suksessfu" "cn b cumpitatif wun rech moneyz" "suksh a bisnuzmahn" "much buzy" and other shit, but i strongly advice to anybody who still have and misconceptions and fantasies of their future life, to get employed full time just about anywhere for a few months. Seriously.

getting quite tired to read same old bravado from children, but then again, may be i'm too old even be around and give a fuck, yet i'm still coming back.

Well, snake. Ever played Dota 2? The problem why we stupid younger than you (at 20, not sure if I'm even younger than you). I've worked half time for a couple of months, quit, fuck that job... The problem why I and other suck is cause we're mostly too immature and never learn or learn in a way too slow pace.

Our builds are not optimal, our skill increases aren't the best and most of us don't even fucking communicate in Dota 2. That's a very good reasons why we lose and end up wasting time.

If we weren't such scrubs and really learned Dota, we could earn that minimal amateur wins of like I dunno $1-2k a year. Which is bs little, but it would be money from Dota 2, it's doable. By no means it would be a real pro career with over 100k a year from gaming, but I believe normal people can earn some scrub money from pro gaming.

Tho I agree I wouldn't be Dota 2 pro, cause first of all I don't understand the game deeply enough, I don't communicate on Dota 2 good enough and I hate Dota 2 too much to love it to really chisel my skills in it.
Originally Posted by JSnuffMARS View Post
I don't wanna work, I wanna live. I wanna make a career as a rogue, a freelancer, perhaps, an owner of a rather successful startup, hopefully... some day. For that, I need hours put into progress. I need skills, knowledge and being used to what I preach to cover my back. I can't do it, if I can't be reliable to myself to really do it.

everybody does, freelance is what i'm thinking about recently, but since my company didn't ended up bankrupt yet (will probably take few more months, considering how dire shit is), i'm still working there.

to become an owner of anything you need to know what the business you are taking from inside by actually working in that sphere enough time. I can repeat the same things as it require large funds, connections, and so on which are generated by time and chance, as you probably know already, as if it was easy to start, everyone would have his own business.

Originally Posted by JSnuffMARS View Post
Man thx for the fat paragraph(s). Yeah, I'm going nowhere, you're bloody right. I might end up getting a full time job just to make the $, like the rest of people. It's rly sad about getting a wife, tho. I mean, I fail miserably to get a gf and then to get a wife and kids later on when I'm slightly less attractive and just richer on basis of working harder for years, sounds pretty bad deal, shitty actually

you are lucky since you don't see enemies in women yet, lol, anyway to stay alone is still better then being constantly lobotomized by a crazed bitch, untill you break up, but thats just my experience, there are lucky people i know though. not like they love each other anymore but they got used to live together, so thats how it goes for most of people.

and don't worry, women are all picky while they are young and unemployed, at the age of 27-30 they are actually getting scared shitless that after being all picky they will be left alone, so they start to hunt for scrubs to mary, that look harmless enough, so be aware of that.

Originally Posted by JSnuffMARS View Post
Well, snake. Ever played Dota 2? The problem why we stupid younger than you (at 20, not sure if I'm even younger than you).

23, you are welcome

Originally Posted by JSnuffMARS View Post
I've worked half time for a couple of months, quit, fuck that job... The problem why I and other suck is cause we're mostly too immature and never learn or learn in a way too slow pace.

it's not about maturity, you will just have no other choice but to work full time to live.

Originally Posted by JSnuffMARS View Post
If we weren't such scrubs and really learned Dota, we could earn that minimal amateur wins of like I dunno $1-2k a year. Which is bs little, but it would be money from Dota 2, it's doable. By no means it would be a real pro career with over 100k a year from gaming, but I believe normal people can earn some scrub money from pro gaming.

not efficent in terms of time to practice and participation it takes compared to amount of income you are able to generate in most optimistic scenario, considering you only have 4 hours 2 of which you are dead tired and wasted if you are employed, otherwise you need to make atleast 1k a month to pay for your bills including food.

Last edited by snake; Feb 9, 2015 at 03:02 PM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Originally Posted by JSnuffMARS View Post
I don't wanna work, I wanna live. I wanna make a career as a rogue, a freelancer, perhaps, an owner of a rather successful startup, hopefully... some day. For that, I need hours put into progress. I need skills, knowledge and being used to what I preach to cover my back. I can't do it, if I can't be reliable to myself to really do it.

So that's your personal goal...
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Thanks snake for dropping some real truth bombs in here. The things you are saying are things we all need to hear.
Originally Posted by snake View Post
it's not about maturity, you will just have no other choice but to work full time to live.

not efficent in terms of time to practice and participation it takes compared to amount of income you are able to generate in most optimistic scenario, considering you only have 4 hours 2 of which you are dead tired and wasted if you are employed, otherwise you need to make atleast 1k a month to pay for your bills including food.


Just hope you can land a very high paying job and you have enough willpower to live frugally until you have enough money to be financially independent.

Unfortunately that's the way the world works.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff