Endurance Onslaught 6.0

nexon card code i used R0F1


EDIT EDIT: <Smashslice> Hey guys, whats up.
<Smashslice> Ofc not fool *slap left*
<Coke> *Blonde moment* *moves head oposite Direction*
Derbomber has joined the game
<Derbomber> Wdf smash your alive?
<Smashslice> Wdf....why u ask me that *slaps derbombers head Up*
<Derbomber> *head goes down* ima brunet BICH
<Smashslice> Wdf, cokes blonde and ur brunet O_O
Nutcracker_ghost has joined the game
<Smashslice> romg its nutcrackers ghost!
<Coke> romg its nutcrackers ghost!
<Derbomber> romg its nutcrackers ghost!
<Nutcracker> im not a ghost fools, waaait smash your dead right?
<Smashslice> FEEEEEEK NO BICH *slaps nutcrackers face to the right*
<Nutcracker> *head goes down* Im a redneck.

Couldnt make that as my sig...sucks
Last edited by smashslice; Feb 13, 2011 at 01:00 AM.
I am a prime tori. Why don't i have toriprime?
.....╭━┻┻┻┻━╮╱╱┏┓╱╱ ╲╭┫╭━╮╭━┓┣╮╱┣┫╱╱
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The best way to keep yourself motivated is to learn how to hate your life to the point where you want to get revenge on existence itself.

The best way to keep yourself motivated is to learn how to hate your life to the point where you want to get revenge on existence itself.