Endurance Onslaught 6.0
w/e i still think in numbers over 1000 comunisum is imposible, untill someone, in detel, explains to me how t could possibly work in vary large numbers
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i don't think that comunisum has anything to do with perfection because there is no perfect. perfection is an illusion. Nobody and nothing can reach perfection. if your really good at something, you can always get better. you might think that a perfect square is perfect, but it's not, the number system is made by humans and it isn't perfect. like 1/3 can't be expresses in decimal form. 0.33333 will go on forever. Humans themsleves arn't perfect because they aren't raised in a perfect world. There are wars, poverty, starvation. the world has a long way to being great, let alone perfect
a human is perfect because he can live . few humans have bugs and cant move their arms but who cares.
and you all should look at the definition of perfection . wikipedia
math is actually perfect
why the hell is a endless number not perfect
that doesnt make sense
and you cant say that the world is not perfect because that doesnt make sense as well.
if you think a perfect worls would be a world without wars poverty etc you are very wrong.
that would just a peacefull world
the world as it is is perfect
the universe is perfect
everything is perfect
Last edited by blaj; Dec 19, 2008 at 11:31 AM.

wanna take off shirt and kiss?
Originally Posted by blaj View Post
a human is perfect because he can live . few humans have bugs and cant move their arms but who cares.
and you all should look at the definition of perfection . wikipedia
math is actually perfect
why the hell is a endless number not perfect
that doesnt make sense
and you cant say that the world is not perfect because that doesnt make sense as well.
if you think a perfect worls would be a world without wars poverty etc you are very wrong.
that would just a peacefull world
the world as it is is perfect
the universe is perfect
everything is perfect

thats basically what im saying =). everything is the way it should be

Perfection was once defined "not as when there was nothing more to add, but when there was nothing else to remove". Humans have war, disease and overall hatred, nature has animalistic competition, parasites, lots of abnormalities, even the Earth itself is incredibly unstable with all the disasters that have happened now and in the pre-industrial times.

I could go on, but to answer Fogle's question in the title, no.

Last edited by blaj; Dec 19, 2008 at 09:47 PM.
you cant even answer that question because it doesnt make any sense,
and fogle: you got me wrong. wih perfection i dont mean "right"
perfection is beyond good and evil

and CiaoTime: you cant just steal some random quote which was not related to the context which we are talking about because it fails. you cant also answer a question which you can not answer because it does not make sense. and nature is perfect
sorry but you fail
Last edited by blaj; Dec 19, 2008 at 09:46 PM.

wanna take off shirt and kiss?
Originally Posted by blaj View Post
you cant even answer that question because it doesnt make any sense,
and fogle: you got me wrong. wih perfection i dont mean "right"
perfection is beyond good and evil

and CiaoTime: you cant just steal some random quote which was not related to the context which we are talking about because it fails. you cant also answer a question which you can not answer because it does not make sense. and nature is perfect
sorry but you fail

yes, thats what im saying blaj, Perfection is not "peace, no war, and only love" perfecting is the fact that everything is working, The fact that we are human is in itself perfect, everything we know is perfect, if it wasnt perfect, it wouldnt exist.

you may not see how this fits in but i do, my example of perfecshion in humanity is consines, did you know there is no scientific eplinashion for the human consiness? its and accedent an abnormality, a gost in the meacine basicly, but the way our brains are it creates this, that is perfecshion because it alowes us to be hear thinking and discusing this, the fact that you can think independintly of your instinks, you ow it to the only thing i think is perfict in our tangible world, the human brain.

(excuse the spelling, to lazy to spell check, if theres a word you dont understand post and il clarify)
In the Never Ending War Between Pirates And Ninjas, Ninjas Would Obviously Win, All Pirates Do Nowadays Is Illegality Download Movies Off the Internet And Shit
u are the worst speller in the whole world, and yes, that apply's to this topic. it VERY much applies. GJ =)