Look and Banzo and Kazooie, nuts and bolts. Sure, I never played the original one, but that one was a mess. Microsoft =~ good games.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
If you guys aren't willing to actually discuss like the first 15-ish posts in this thread instead of "rip minecraft" or "not rip minecraft", I'll go ahead and close this thread.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

you can do it now, our dear playerbase doesn't really think(at all) in marketing terms, so this is pretty pointless.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Okay, so I'm going to rant because I play minecraft excessively.
We don't have much to worry about when it comes to "Them not caring" or anything, they most likely bought it because if they do this right, they'll get a HUUUUUUUGE following of the newer generation which is potential buyers in the future, If they do fucking this up, then they're going to LOSE a huge following, so I'm sure they're going to be extra careful when doing this. I do hope(though I doubt) that MS buying Minecraft is going to be like Amazon buying Twitch, let the people do what they do and the only difference is that amazon gets profits and they get known for being that company that owns twitch, the most commonly used live-streaming website. And I hope they realize over at MS that youtube is a massive part of why minecraft grew, and that they realize that if they take a % of profits from adsense from these youtubers, then they're just going to stop playing it because it's not going to get the amount of money a different game would bring from adsense and pretty much kill the idea of playing minecraft on youtube, if this happens, yes there will be alot of people dropping off from the game and losing a following and screwing up the huge following MS could have had as I said above. I kinda wish/hope they're going to get someone who actually UNDERSTANDS how plugin/mod makers work in minecraft so they can try to patch up the EULA and get people buying minecraft to play with these plugins/mods like how DayZ worked in Arma 2.
Last edited by imaSlayaa; Sep 18, 2014 at 01:43 PM.
If Microsoft is dumb enough to "ruin" minecraft at this point they would have gone bankrupt making those decisions long ago. They're smart, they wont necessarily do whats right but they wont destroy it either. Minecraft will continue to be a thing for a long time and it isn't dying out.
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
It's going to be a thing, I agree on that. But chances are microsoft will introduce some sort of marketing scheme to profit off of that will probably rely on players being desperate to play the game so they could exploit that.
It's not a guarantee that this will but it's a possibility; and you can't rule it out; considering how many things microsoft has done in the past for profits.
I doubt they'll change anything of what the game offers now. By that, I mean free server hosting, free mod making etc... I see them profiting from accessories/merchandise more than anything, since one day after buying mojang, they did this.

Not to mention forum premium account changes, in-game premium account changes etc...
Pretty sure the changes would be also for extra features people don't benefit from now, features that don't directly affect the game.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Originally Posted by imaslayaa View Post
like how DayZ worked in Arma 2.

dayz was a disaster to traditional arma, casual crap for idiots incapable of understanding any complex mechanics or tactics which require teamwork between more people than four. ACE is a good example of a good mod, but it's too complex for retards.

and again, you think that with this acquisition there will be something to profit from. correct, but indirectly. as minecraft is huge thing among scrubs it will be a free game used to boost sales of windows/xbox.

right now ps4 sells better, but if you say shit like 'when you buy xBone, you have a minecraft on it for free. this shit is popular as hell and "safe for children" which is great marketing tool.

i don't even know how this is not obvious to you guys.

marketing, ffs, look it up on google.
Last edited by snake; Sep 19, 2014 at 12:30 AM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15