Somehow I'm doubting he's currently still using that head with all the trouble it's caused him, so I'm too lazy to take the time to look. :P Was just making a suggestion seeing as I doubt the admins can do anything when they're yet to see the heads, nevermind the claims of him sending a trojan. >_>
OldBean isn't in the Custom Folder, so he must have stopped using the stolen textures.
Christmas Ghost Humans do not value their existence.
Oldbean is a rather rude and standoffish ass sometimes (why hello there Oldbean :D guess who), to be frank you're unlikely to solve anything from this side. I've taken it upon myself to transfer the 6132tc back to GlacierMan and root around in various folders.

Whilst I'm not entirely sure about the level of plagiarism involved in the head texture (I don't have the two to compare), what I am sure of is that Oldbean didn't have the intent/capacity to hack anyone's account or send other people malicious programs.

Of course, this still leaves the question as to how the tc got transferred in the first place, but I'm hoping since I took the liberty of correcting the mistake on his behalf there will be no hard feelings about the whole 'hacking' affair. Apart from maybe against me, but Oldbean just has to live with that eh.

Post Scriptum:
Did OB end up charging for that head texture, GlacierMan? You mentioned forking out ~6000tc for a full texture set in the OP, though he claims to have sent you a head texture singularly and what's more, for free. There's no evidence of this transaction in OldBeans history.
Last edited by Merchant_old; Aug 28, 2008 at 11:34 PM.
Come back any time..
Originally Posted by Merchant View Post
Oldbean is a rather rude and standoffish ass sometimes (why hello there Oldbean guess who), to be frank you're unlikely to solve anything from this side. I've taken it upon myself to transfer the 6132tc back to GlacierMan and root around in various folders.

Whilst I'm not entirely sure about the level of plagiarism involved in the head texture, what I am sure of is that Oldbean didn't have the intent/capacity to hack anyone's account or send other people malicious programs.

Of course, this still leaves the question as to how the tc got transferred in the first place, but I'm hoping since I took the liberty of correcting the mistake on his behalf there will be no hard feelings about the whole hacking affair. Apart from maybe against me, but Oldbean just has to live with that eh.

Post Scriptum:
Did OB end up charging for that head texture, GlacierMan? You mentioned forking out ~6000tc for a full texture set in the OP, though he claims to have sent you a head texture singularly. Maybe him and I should have a little chat.

You dick .
Echomarine 4 the win
*bows* You're welcome :D

Anyways, I don't see why you didn't send the tc back straight away, keeping them wasn't going to help you at all y'know.

You need to straighten this head texture stuff out pronto or you won't be very popular.
Last edited by Merchant_old; Aug 28, 2008 at 11:30 PM.
Come back any time..
Right so let me get this figured.

GlacierMan wanted me to make a head, I did. Without knowing it was vaguely similar to hidingwarrior's head.

A few weeks later GlacierMan got scammed by someone(i'm assuming you think this is me) and the same person hacked his account.

Now i'm the suspect because why? All i've done is make a head texture similar to hidingwarrior's. Sorry about that I had no idea someone else might do a mask. Or do you think that I stole some other texture set?

My texture set(up for auction)

When I prove you all wrong('cept merchant of cource) the next words out of my mouth will be "told you so, fuck you" except this wont be the end of it because it will proboably leave a permenat scar. Thanks a bunch.
Echomarine 4 the win
Originally Posted by culapou View Post
Lol... quite pathetic what zit covered internet boys would do to take an image from someone else..

Well said.
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
Originally Posted by Demonsoul6 View Post
Somehow I'm doubting he's currently still using that head with all the trouble it's caused him, so I'm too lazy to take the time to look. :P Was just making a suggestion seeing as I doubt the admins can do anything when they're yet to see the heads, nevermind the claims of him sending a trojan. >_>

OK you wanted to compare here it is.(Yes, it sucks)

Also, I dont see why people feel the need to insult me.
Last edited by OldBean; Aug 28, 2008 at 03:22 PM.
Echomarine 4 the win
One second I'm digging up screenshots of the head you gave and my head. Also, my entire texture set was already uploaded to the clan site, why should we believe the only one you gave was the head? Why should we believe that's the head that was given to glacierman? ALL THE FACTS point to you doing it. And when you connect the dots everybody's stories match up to show that you gave them my head.

By the way here's an image of the head in question that dannyh was wearing:

That screenshot doesn't show, but it says scream on the back.

Here's my head:

More proof that you gave my whole set is the fact that one of their members was also wearing my bicep.

And their stories all add up. They all pointed to glacierman and glacierman without hesitation pointed to you, who does admit to selling glacierman at least one texture. Then all his money suddenly goes to you. Looks pretty damn suspicious.
Last edited by hidingwarior; Aug 28, 2008 at 04:57 PM.