Religion Christianity. But a more personal experience of being told something is a time my parents made me go to church. I was atheist then, and still am. They don't know cus it'd be pain if they did.

Anyway, the talking guy this week was talking about the story of Moses and the Burning Bush. If you don't know if it, it's the one where moses is walking and God decides to be a burning bush for the day and talk to Moses. He also transformed Moses's staff to and from a snake a few times for lulz. So the talking dude is up there telling us this story as if it actually happened as I sat waiting to be dismissed to get on with my Sunday.

This happens a lot though since my dad makes us go to church or watch it online frequently, and since he will come up with silly shit on his own too.

The reason why it's the craziest theory? People will believe this with absolutely 0 evidence to back up their beliefs. A lot of them then try to throw the burden of proof on the people they're telling this to, which makes utterly no sense. There's also millions of these theories, each one slightly different. The way you decide which religion you are, depends on where you were born and raised and by whom.
Last edited by isaac; Jan 16, 2012 at 05:58 AM.
^I find this offensive and I'm not a christian at all.
Anything is possible, but I would just waste my time explaining this to an athiest.
Also,I'm not bashing at you or saying being an athiest is bad,However I don't think this is valid.
Originally Posted by GodAlt View Post
^I find this offensive and I'm not a christian at all.
Anything is possible, but I would just waste my time explaining this to an athiest.
Also,I'm not bashing at you or saying being an athiest is bad,However I don't think this is valid.

Can you point out specifically what you find offensive? I don't mean for anyone to get offended by what I posted. I also, however contrary to the belief of most people, don't think that religion is something special that shouldn't be subject to the thoughts of others. It's the same as any other thing, politics, sports, food, etc.

Also, I'm not saying that it's impossible for there to be a god, but it's up there with the chances of other mythical creatures. A bunch of people are saying how ridiculous the 2012 doomsday thing is, I'm sure the people that actually believe that find what they're saying offensive.

edit: Also, of course you aren't a christian, god is an atheist :P
Last edited by isaac; Jan 16, 2012 at 06:18 AM.
Well, its just a slight suspicion, but.....

I think there is a Secret Goverment Branch of Special Agents who take care of the everyday lives of Aliens that come to Earth. I think they also put the bad aliens in jail and save the world. I also think that they want me, a Policemen in New York to be one of them, Even though I live in Australia and I have to frequently travel to feed my dog. I also think that they want to train me to take over my very old partner's job because he is too old. Maybe I would get to pick my own parter! :O

..but that is just a suspicion.
Dose is dead.
I like how you used men in black to form the basic structure of your post.

Me, I believe that the shadow government rules all of earth's nations as one single shadowy group.

NWO man, it's OWN spelled backwords man!

the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
The Hollow Earth and that shadowy government putting evil Aliens in jail is just... Ridiculous. First How would they do it to a specie who crossed millions of light years and probably has some fucked technology built inside of it so it can walk through matter.
Last edited by T0ribush; Jan 17, 2012 at 09:10 PM.
Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
The Hollow Earth

This... Because they find out some people lived underground apparently means the whole earth is hollow