Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Kaszanas View Post
But the thing is, when they're shooting it's easy way to hit him ... and catching him will be very difficult tho ...
he will just hide and hide and hide when he will know that someone wants to kill him and he's close ...
or he will just do suicide ...
cause he knows that they will kill him anyway in their anger he won't have any legal judge on him ...
and he can get accidentaly killed in the bomb site ...

thats true. but if they cant help it its a different story etc.
Well I've always thought that if someone does something bad like a crime, have the same thing done to them. If they stole something, steal something from them. If they hurt someone, well, hurt them. I know it seems kind of.. Weird but it's fair in my opinion. So yes, he should.

How do you stop a baby from crawling around?

it's true that in all countrys the news is twisted to make everything seem right by that country. If we shot gadafi in the head then the news over there would be the freedom fighting, hero of our country was murdered/assasinated by the terrorist americans. where as over here it would be gadafi has been shot dead today, ending his rein of terror on the world. Who is to say he isnt doing the right thing by his people in his mind. but who's to say he's right?
The purpose of a storyteller is not to tell you how to think, but to give you questions to think upon.
I like how everyone ignore missuse's post.
Gadafi did loads of good things for his country.
He did many bad things too.
But we should be carefully when it comes to judgement.
Killing him would solve nothing. Nor would going in there do.
The people in lybia need to free themselves in order to be free. They need to be able to form their own government.
How are you?
Originally Posted by Romanovsky View Post
Here's an idea. A tomahawk missile through his bedroom window. The end.

Here's an idea; collateral damage.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
i dont know why the whole country hates him, but doesnt attack him.
6,5 mil people vs some militairy people(and kadhafi)
oh hai
Look,he is still a human and may even be mentaly ill but kiling him would save those poor fucks in lybia.We can put the prick in prison but There he'll only get raped like 5 times.Since we all have difforente believes:WE CANT AGREE ON A GOD DAM THING!
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