Well, if you guys close your clan becuase of inactivity, don't do it. You can fix that with teamwork.

But if you guys are all going to fight for leadership *Toriboomer* then you guys SHOULD close!

a leader is the best of all of the clan, sombody that encourages others to do better, and to benifit the clan. NOT yelling at them telling who's the boss! a leader tells they're fellow members what they did wrong, and what they need to do better.

But if the 3 of you guys are all going to be inmature, then go ahead and close the clan.

In my opinion 3 leaders leads to a big arguement. And if you guys were to have only 1, Zipil should be it, as long as he actualy did something for the clan. zipil's the only one not being a dick in the situation.

That's simply my opinion, and I hope some people can respect it even though I quit Beta.
I see what you're getting at, but I honestly think Zipil would not be a good choice. You see, back when Beta was using their own forums, it got hacked and spammed by 3 people, one of them in specific was Zipil, and this caused great confusion which lead to most members thinking it was dead, thus, Zipil with 2 others have literally destroyed Beta. Since then Beta has never been active. And that is proof.

And that is also why I am doing and will do everything in my power to make sure that Zipil does not join this new clan.

And I do apologize if I got off as immature, but Pyrite just pisses me off, he was one of the people who helped spam Beta boards, he kept joining and re-joining(shows how committed he is) and now he thinks he can just join like that, that is the reason why I just can't stand him.
thanks man i have changed im a much better person and i have grown up alot since then if you didn't know me i can see how you could see it but im a really nice person i have been through alot in the 12 years iv been alive. Iv decided to go clanless for a while and i would like to talk to you some time fists of fury not because im angry i just want to talk
I would believe zipil.

I've seen him, and talked to him quite a bit. He'd be a legitament lead of either Beta, or the new clan.