Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Gucci View Post
You can reapply whenever you want but you probably won't get in I would wait until you have play the game longer and before you apply again

I'm right there with you gucci.
I'm so sexy they call me Omar-Zombie 2014
Hello Catalyst, I am Neko.

I am 20 years old and I live in the United States. I started this game back in 2007 from then on I have been on and off. I never really got super into this game till now. My friend Infinity introduced me back and now that I got the name I wanted I am sure to be on a lot more.

The mods I usually play are mainly the competitive ones, such as Aikido Rk_mma etc...

Things seem to be a lot different sense I started and it may take me awhile to get used to things and shake off my rust but if you give me a chance I promise I wont let you guys down and I will benefit this clan.

Sorry if my app is short, I am not the best at making the apps so if you have any questions I will be sure to answer all of them to the best of my knowledge.
Originally Posted by Neko View Post
Hello Catalyst, I am Neko.

I am 20 years old and I live in the United States. I started this game back in 2007 from then on I have been on and off. I never really got super into this game till now. My friend Infinity introduced me back and now that I got the name I wanted I am sure to be on a lot more.

The mods I usually play are mainly the competitive ones, such as Aikido Rk_mma etc...

Things seem to be a lot different sense I started and it may take me awhile to get used to things and shake off my rust but if you give me a chance I promise I wont let you guys down and I will benefit this clan.

Sorry if my app is short, I am not the best at making the apps so if you have any questions I will be sure to answer all of them to the best of my knowledge.

No.. not really. At least not yet.

I might change my vote soon.
I won Clan League 2016 #DidntEvenTry
Back at it again
I vote a yes. I am with him ingame right now and he seems polite and good to be in Catalyst :3
I am just an icon livin'
Originally Posted by Neko View Post
Matharu: How can I change your mind. I understand why you are doubting me. Do you want to meat in game?

I like meat.
Let's meet in 3-4h. I'll pm you.
I won Clan League 2016 #DidntEvenTry
Back at it again
Hello I am Aerotack but my real name is Michael.
And I am 17
I am an old member of the clan, The reason I left is because there was a lot of inactivity.
I would like to rejoin cause I miss being in a clan with a family like atmosphere and I miss being part of a clan in general.
What can I being to the clan?
Well I am a decent artist and I am almost always nice.
The mods I am good at?
I can be good at any mod just tell me the mod and I will learn to play it by creating moves and strategies.

Hope to hear from you soon.
Have a nice day.
um aerotack it's pointing towards a no for me bc you left the clan and now that we are offical your crawling back. and you app is not great.