Both my parents caught me watching porn when I was 9. I was totally speechless, and plus all their siblings where behind them too.
master of the universe
Originally Posted by pinkwaffles View Post
Zayex Moderated Message:
User is a rager-moron... etc

First of all, I didn't "Stub my toe" I took my nail off, and had to tape it back on; and the nail cut into my underskin. I must have used 20 paper towels to clean up all the blood. Worst of all, I had to pour hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol all over it without screaming (Or the neibors would suspect child abuse)

This happened two days ago, am I mad? No. Did I cry or scream? No. Did I go to dance today? Yes.

/ontopic: if this wasn't it, it was when I got the stomach flu for a week (maybe the worst week of my life)
Originally Posted by ZayexAlt View Post
First of all, I didn't "Stub my toe" I took my nail off, and had to tape it back on; and the nail cut into my underskin. I must have used 20 paper towels to clean up all the blood. Worst of all, I had to pour hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol all over it without screaming (Or the neibors would suspect child abuse)

This happened two days ago, am I mad? No. Did I cry or scream? No. Did I go to dance today? Yes.

/ontopic: if this wasn't it, it was when I got the stomach flu for a week (maybe the worst week of my life)

I thought you said you couldn't run or something
Have you ever wondered what a pink waffle would look like? http://*******/NfTqyv
Originally Posted by randomguy8 View Post
Worst day was when I found out I have Cancer

Actually, now that someone brings up something like that, I'd have to say that the worst day of my life so far is when I found out I had type 1 diabetes.
Worst day? Not counting the death of my cat or grandparents (the days were fine apart from those extremely depressing news), probably when i was returning home from a school trip to Prague (Czech Republic). I live in Denmark, so it is a little while away. Anyways, here we go.

First up, we depart from our hotel, and take a bus to the airport. Everything from there to when the airplane landed went just fine, and i was looking forward to getting home. But as fate would have it, life kicked me in the balls as soon as we arrived in Copenhagen. First, we get on a train. Then it gets cancelled. Then another one gets cancelled. OK, only an hour late now, nothing big, though still frustrating. We finally get on a third train, which would take longer to arrive at home. Fair enough, as long as it arrives. Turns out it didn't.
On the halfway mark, the train stops. After sitting still for a while, i make a phone call home to notify them of the delay. I then find out that my bro might have caught the swine flu. Not that its a deadly disease, but it ain't cool to hear your bro being sick with a flu. Some time later, we get told that the train stopped because some suicidial whackjob got run over by a train ahead of us. I'm not one to snark at deaths, but at the time being, it pissed me off. So, we have to get off the train. We were told that busses would come and pick us up, but alas, that never happened. So we ended up standing a good 3 hours out in the cold, witnessing more than one train just rushing past, and seeing a pissy woman rage at innocent train station staff. I don't blame either of them. The delay was rather infuriating, but the staff member had nothing to do with that.
Finally, after loudly cursing everything that the train company stands for, we find a train that takes us in the right direction. It was extremely cramped, but better than nothing. A stroke of luck? Yeah. After changing trains, i get a nice and comfy chair. I wouldn't have given a fuck if the conductor billed us for not buying tickets, because it not our own damn fault we got stuck out in the cold for hours. Fortunately, she seemed to know of that, and we didn't get bothered.
When i FINALLY arrive home, four hours later than expected, i was completely fucking spent. But, fate had another kick in the balls for me. I unzipped my luggage to show my family the cool laser i bought in Prague. Lo and behold, everything of value in it had been stolen! Tadaa! At this point, i literally raged myself hoarse. I was, to put it mildy, extremely displeased with the day as a whole. And if i find out who stole my stuff, i WILL pound that person to a pile of bloody shit with a hammer.
Last edited by Shook; May 28, 2011 at 04:23 PM.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
A few days ago:

I jumped down from my bed to where my desks and rig is, and I got a foot cramp in BOTH feet. I had my laptop so I crouched there in pain, still on IRC, and watched some porn.

aww yeah.
Originally Posted by NinjaBent View Post
What happened then? :o

My worst day must've been when I saw my father bury my dog.

I broke my arm, and dislocated my shoulder, so now they are both messed up.
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my worst day was yesterday...
i was driving with the bike in the city and i got crashed by a woman in her car and i broke my leg my arm and my head bleeded i was the whole day in the hospital...
pretty awesome,huh ?
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