Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Yeah I like the idea of having teams for each thing. We are all pretty proficient with the forums so I feel like having different teams for the other things would be a smart idea. I'd like to be a part of the replay team if that's not too much to ask. And when I say replay team, I mean helping organizing events and such.
Last edited by Locus; Apr 24, 2015 at 05:30 PM.
League of Legends NA: Locus
IF we implement the team system, I would like to be a part of the events team. Because I like those.

Also, what does everyone think about that clan video?
As long as people can be members of several teams I am fine with a team system. Because our war team would overlap our replay team which would overlap our art team which would overlap our recruitment team so making people have to choose what they specialise into would be kinda harsh.
Good morning sweet princess
Yep. That's how it would work. Just like if you were a GM and a ms at the same time for example.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
So the idea is more to just makes list of who is skilled in each areas rather than actually making specific teams. If so then that sounds like a pretty reasonable, if a little obvious, idea to realise. Have we made it so yet?
Good morning sweet princess
Yes, we have.

Redundant, Insane, I didn't see those posts on the first page. Yeah Redundant, you've got a full creative license to make it how you'd like it. On the 2nd point, I agree.
Alright, so me, Galaxy, and Jodus were recently discussing a new way of voting on applicants.


Tell me what you guys think :v
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
You mean discuss an application in private, instead of everyone harping on them in the regular thread? That's what I considered as well, but aside from a Skype group or something, it's pretty hard to do that.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Unless we had a separate irc or we just communicated through queries but I feel like that's a bit iffy. This is where it would be nice to have a private board to discuss things like applicants and such. And we shouldn't be too far off from being able to get a private board. The only question there is whether we want to spend the tc to get one.
League of Legends NA: Locus
I think the current method for discussing applicants works fine for now - I think we discussed Nick's app really well (I'm happy with the way we came to our decision). We'd be able to get a private board after being official for 6 months (I think) and paying 150k.

edit: I checked, it's 3 months, not 6.
Last edited by Ele; May 1, 2015 at 01:07 PM.