Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Awh man! I loved the MH saga, I sold my wii. ): Guess I gotta play it at my friends house.
Breaking rules is bad

Bought the game, well, drive to walmart, stand around looking for it, no copies on the shelves, try repeatedly to procure some assistance, fail miserably. So I resign myself to driving to K-Mart, they just have the game, not the bundle. Damn, but okay, gonna buy it anyways, chat with cashier a while, he manages to hook me up with the Classic Controller Pro for the $10 it would have been in the bundle. Awesome.

Go home, hunt down my SD card (this process involves tearing apart my room for ~20 minutes) so i can transfer my savegame when i finish playing on my grandad's wii (mine is packed, as I'm moving soon, and cannot be easily accessed.).

Pop the disc in the wii, and play for ~4 hours, clearing out what I consider to be the "tutorial" portion of the game (Just defeated the first "real" boss monster in availible, the Great Jaggi).

Save my progress, go to the wii menu, and what's this, move and copy are greyed out on the save data? That can't be right. I double check, Wii Play and Wii Sports save data copy and move just fine. Slowly it dawns on me, they've locked save data transfer to deter cheating due to the online portion of the game. Cue rage and fffuuuuu.
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
lol'd so fking hard. it took four hours to beat the tutorials? wow. then again, this is monster hunter. a review of the gameplay pl0x?

I wanna get Monster hunter frontier, can anyone hook me up? i found the, ehh, jap site, but me being english, i cant read jap :V
this looks great though, if i still had my wii, this would be a defo buy
Originally Posted by Bilza View Post
I wanna get Monster hunter frontier, can anyone hook me up? i found the, ehh, jap site, but me being english, i cant read jap :V
this looks great though, if i still had my wii, this would be a defo buy

Fronter is japanese only.
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?
Originally Posted by Eleeleth View Post
Save my progress, go to the wii menu, and what's this, move and copy are greyed out on the save data? That can't be right. I double check, Wii Play and Wii Sports save data copy and move just fine. Slowly it dawns on me, they've locked save data transfer to deter cheating due to the online portion of the game. Cue rage and fffuuuuu.

I lol'd.

Everyone knows online Wii-games have unmovable saves XD

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you