Originally Posted by jaredvcxz View Post
We're both right. The CPU writes to RAM, but it Tells the circuits on the HD to perform those operations. So, it indirectly reads/writes to the HD.

I'm taking a course on this in a technical school. I suppose you're doing the same?

If the processor tells the harddrive head what to write and where, therefore it is essentially doing the writing (considering that there wouldn't be writing done without that processor). I'm not taking a course for this, I am an enthusiast.

Note: Stuttering could very likely be caused by an inadequate PSU, however a 1000W PSU is a gratuitous waste of money, unless you're doing something stupid like quad-SLI.
Wouldn't that only happen if the temperature is too high, though?

I've got the full load temp down to the former idle temp, so I have 15 degrees C to spare if it is a heating issue.

My mobo doesn't let my change the fsb values though. And SetFSB doesn't list my motherboard, so I don't want to risk using that either. The CG5270 is so obscure too.

I've been thinking about the Q9550. 200 on ebay, 250 on newegg. Plus, a lot easier to overclock. But to OC, I'd need a new mobo, I think. I dunno, I just can't seem to find much info on the cg5270.
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I'll probably be able to use the same cooler, PSU, and GPU, and maybe even the same HD....

So all that's left would be a mobo, an i7/i5, ddr3, and MAYBE another gts 250 for sli.

And a new case.

So like, 700 more dollars....shit.
I'd probably want to wait until USB 3 gets more integration though, right? (and until I get a summer job :>)
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

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Incognito - [o]
USB 3, not really. You can buy boards with it now, or just a PCI card for it later. A job however is a good idea. :P
So even with my current mobo, Icould buy a pci card with usb3? Sounds like a good, affordable investment.
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

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