Here Is a picture I made of my tori, I try to buy more stuff but I'm on the Trading Grey-list so I can't buy anything.
Eventually I'll buy stuff...
Hope you like it.

Please do not take it and say it's yours.
I don't think anyone would take it anyways...

Not bad. Going superman all floaty I see.

In other art news, Adobe Photoshop CS6 beta came out recently.
So for anyone who want's to get into art and can't afford PS, this is a temporary solution.
daddy kill the spider

I would have changed the color of it, but i had a greenscreen shader and it turned the outside of my tori green, so The colors wouldn't match if I changed the colors...

Ah, see, I have never edited a picture of a tori, but I would imagine if you want to apply your own colors, keep the background a neutral color. (default)
daddy kill the spider
Originally Posted by kareem98 View Post
some other stupid stuffz

Hey I regocnize the second drawing! Its Sektor from Mortal Kombat
"Isolate and Devour"
A'dawwweable naruto as well! So here's the most recent "finished" thing I have:

Large image

It was about 2 months ago and already I feel like I'm a hundred times better, there are some things I'd like to fix but photoshop isn't working right now

EDIT: HOLY CRAP THAT'S HUGE, sorry, the image isn't supposed to be that large!

When you want to contain a large image or a message that you want people to have a choice in seeing or not, put [SPOILER][/SPOILER] around it. Here's how I contained that image:

[spoiler="Large image"][IMG][/IMG][/spoiler]
Last edited by Rayleigh; May 4, 2012 at 07:44 AM.
Things that inspire me:, Just a silly kid trying to make it to class on time.
When I read the words. This is my reaction :bloodymess:

All in all, you have pure talent.
A pic of my char. What do you think? It's a slightly different version of my avatar.
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{[ A L C H R A N | IS | AWESOME ]}